Who Are You?
Who are you? How would you answer that question? What would affect your answer? What can we gain from a look at John the Baptist?
The Lord's Prayer
"Our Father, who art in Heaven, hollowed be Thy name." Clear teaching on the Lord's prayer as found in Matthew 6. What is God like?
Hand of Hope
Abortion is not talked about in the church very much, but what can the church do to help those who have had abortions? Tonya Baker Nelson shares how the local church can help offer hands of hope to people coping with pregnancies.
Commended to God
Pastor Ross Marion shares what is means to be commended to God. What are some of the riches God has in store for those who believe in His Son, Jesus Christ?
The Greatest Incentive of All
What is the "Judgment Seat of Christ"? Since one day, each Christian will stand before God, doesn't it make sense to know what it is all about? Non-Christians will have their own judgment to be concerned with, but what about this judgment seat which Christians will face? Pastor Ross Marion answers this question in today's sermon.
The Greatest Question of All
While there are some incredible questions in the Bible, one stands out as the greatest. The answer to this greatest question helps determine where you will spend eternity. Pastor Ross Marion asks and answers this question in today's sermon.
The Greatest Text of All
Many people have it memorized, millions have seen the reference without knowing the text. Which scripture text is the best known? Pastor Ross Marion shares on it in today's sermon.
Summer Trip Testimonies
What is God doing? God is alive and well, and doing much. Such as ...
In Order of the Alabastor Box
The true and measure of divine service, and the means of growing insight of God's purposes is ...
What is Real Living?
If you were asked what it takes to say "This is real living", how would you answer? What do you need? Is it having money, education, good health, youth? Pastor Ross Marion teaches from scripture on what Real Living really is all about.