It is critical not to stay alone with your addiction. In this unit Phil tells us what an accountability partner is and how joining a men's group can help you leaving your addiction behind.
Nowadays, the average age when children get into contact with pornography for the first time is about 11. Parents are responsible to talk to their children about important themes like sexuality and love, to set boundaries and just to be there for them.
What are the consequences when children get all their knowledge about sexuality from internet porn? What are some warning signs that a child might have a problem with pornography and what can parents do in this case? These questions will be discussed in this unit.
In this part, Phil's wife, Karina, speaks about the porn addiction of her then fiancé, how she coped with the feelings of hurt, insecurity and shame and how she found the help she needed.
Where light enters, darkness has to go. The first step to freedom from addiction is to step into the light. You must confide in somebody and no longer hide with your problem.
God gave us the sexuality as a special gift that brings life. However, sexuality needs borders, since otherwise destruction takes place, just like a torrential river will destroy all in its path when it bursts its banks.
What causes you to long for pornography? Tiredness, stress, loneliness? In this unit Phil talks about practical steps that will help you to find a way out of addiction.