Tom Doyle -When Jesus Calls, He Equips

Tom Doyle, author of the books Killing Christians and Dreams and Visions, shares more this week about the true nature of Islam and how the God of the Bible is reaching and rescuing Muslims in the Middle East.

CHINA - More Crackdowns, More Revival

House church leaders in China teach new believers that to be a faithful follower of Christ, one must be willing to suffer for his faith. Bob Fu led a double life in China, making his living as a teacher in a Communist Party school then working after school to lead people to Christ and build up China's house churches. It wasn't long before his own willingness to suffer was tested. Today, after fleeing to the West, Dr. Fu is one of the foremost voices for China's persecuted church.

TANZANIA -Mobilize Missionaries

Tori Rasmussen is a missionary to Tanzania, focusing on spreading God's Word into African villages and equipping and training national Christians to become missionaries themselves.

South Asia - The Power of the Gospel

Is it easy to reach Muslims with the message of salvation through Christ? No. But Prem Kumar says, "We believe in the power of the gospel." Prem is training church planters and sending out gospel workers all over South Asia…including some of the region's most difficult areas.

Even If You Take My Life

"Even if you take my life here in front of my wife...I will not deny Christ." The Iraqi Christian stood at an ISIS check point. The fighters' guns were pointed at him. Their instruction was clear: deny your faith and become a Muslim. He said no, and miraculously God intervened and our Iraqi brother lived to tell the story.

When an ISIS Fighter Wants to Talk Part 2

What would you do if an ISIS fighter wanted to meet up with you? You'd probably have lots of questions. What are his intentions? Is his spiritual hunger real, or is it a trap? Is the Lord really calling me to go to this meeting? Those questions aren't new. Ananias had the same doubts when he was told to go visit a man named Saul.

When an ISIS Fighter Wants to Talk Part 1

What would you do if an ISIS fighter wanted to meet up with you? You'd probably have lots of questions. What are his intentions? Is his spiritual hunger real, or is it a trap? Is the Lord really calling me to go to this meeting? Those questions aren't new. Ananias had the same doubts when he was told to go visit a man named Saul.

NIGER - The Church Is Getting Stronger

The Church in Niger is growing and getting stronger. Earlier this year, enemies of the gospel responded: churches were burned and Christians' homes were attacked. Missionary Ron Childs shares what happened during those attacks, and how Niger's Christians responded with forgiveness and boldness

We Are All Missionaries

Sergio Cariello is a world-famous comic-book artist. And he's a missionary. Sergio has drawn the famous faces of Batman, Spiderman and the Lone Ranger. He's also brought the story of Jesus to life in a whole new way through the creation of The Action Bible, a tool VOM is helping to translate and distribute in the most difficult places on earth.

Foxholes and Forgiveness

Christians in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan are under attack from their own government. When a plane flies overhead, our Sudanese brothers and sisters dive into fox holes to escape falling bombs. Hospitals and even schools are specifically targeted by the Islamic government of Sudan. Many Christians have fled their homes and are living in caves or in the mountains in hopes of finding safety. Yet even in the midst of attacks, some Christians are finding ways to reach out with Jesus' love.

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