Cole Richards - Inspired by Joy

Join us this week as we get to know Cole Richards, who has served more than a decade at VOM and in January stepped into the role as President and CEO of the organization. Cole will share about how God called him to missions work and share about some of the persecuted Christians he's met who have inspired his own faith walk, and how VOM plays a unique role within the wider missions community.

Tortured For Christ - The Movie

John Grooters is the director of a new movie portraying the story of Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, the story told by Richard in his best-selling book, Tortured For Christ. Listen this week as John talks about turning this iconic book into a film, including the challenge of portraying Richard's suffering in an appropriate way.

Marriage as Ministry

Tom and JoAnn Doyle have been married almost 38 years, and God has used their marriage to draw others to Christ in the United States and even in the Middle East. Listen in as they share how they've seen God use their marriage

IRAN - An Army of Hope

Dr. Hormoz Shariat, the president and founder of Iran Alive Ministries, has been called "The Billy Graham of Iran" by author Joel Rosenberg. Millions of Iranians refer to Shariat as, "my pastor" as he speaks to them in their living rooms each evening through satellite television.

MISSIONS - Reaching the Unreached

Dan Brokke is the president of, an organization with the goal of "Taking the church to where it is not, and helping others do the same." Listen as Dan shares how Bethany set the goal of engaging with 500 unreached, unengaged people groups by 2020

PETR JASEK - One Year Free

SUDAN - I Was Willing to Die

"I was willing to die [for Christ]. But the only thing that happened to me was I got tortured for seven years...." Listen this week as Brad Phillips shares how he was inspired by these words of thankfulness from a bold Sudanese believer who suffered greatly for the gospel message.

IRAN - When God Changes the Subject

Continuing our conversation with Dan Baumann who was living in Central Asia when he and a friend decided to make a Christmas-break visit to Iran. They experienced the warm welcome of the Persian people and culture, right up to the point where they tried to cross the border and exit the country.

IRAN - Better Than I Thought

Listen this week to our conversation with Dan Baumann, who was imprisoned on a trip to Iran and regularly beaten by guards. You'll hear how Dan saw the heart of his tormentor changed by the love of God, and how he found out he'd be released—exactly on the schedule God had revealed to him on the day of his arrest

NORTH KOREA - Remembering Christ

One of the countries that most dominates our U.S. news cycle is North Korea. "Mrs. Kim" was born and raised in the "Hermit Kingdom." Listen as she shares how she learned that hers was a Christian family, and how she had to keep that secret to avoid government pressure and even arrest.

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