You've seen the COEXIST bumper stickers and you've experienced political correctness. So what is the role of truth? Learn why the modern mantra "Don't judge me," just isn't Biblical.
Acts 17 is more than an account of one of Paul's missionary endeavors . . . it's one of the most interesting descriptions of Christianity in all the Bible. No wonder God used this man to start a spiritual revolution.
"What must I do to be saved?" Mankind is still asking that question today. Nothing's changed. And there are a myriad of different answers. What is your answer?
In a world full of suffering and death, what is the greatest question we could ever ask? A Philippian jailor asks it in Acts 16:30: "What must I do to be saved?"
Has God ever halted your plans? What should we do when he tells us to 'stop?' Closed doors in our Christian lives are painful. Take courage in the fact that the same God who orders our steps also orders our stops.
Disagreements are a part of life. The question is not how do we avoid them, but rather how do we deal with them when they occur? In this lesson, Stephen addresses conflict and resolution.
The dividing line between truth and error is the cry of the reformation: "Sola Scriptura!" The Bible alone tells us what is sufficient for faith and practice.
What do the scriptures say? That question could settle most debates when Christians disagree. Dividing God's truth from man's opinion was the cry of the reformation. The scriptures alone answer the question, "What must I do to be saved?"
An effective church will always be birthing new ministries and at the same time reproducing itself around the world. That's what the early church did, and this lesson teaches you why they were so successful.
Have you ever witnessed a riot in the parking lot of your church or been threatened by an angry mob of civilians? For us, that would be extreme persecution. For Hudson Taylor, that was just another day at the office!
Hudson Taylor was a 19th century Protestant Christian missionary who is known for his work in China. He was born in England in 1832 and grew up in a devout Christian household. After a conversion experience at the age of 17, he felt called to serve as a missionary and spent much of his life working to spread the Gospel in China.
Taylor was the founder of the China Inland Mission, an organization that focused on sharing the Gospel with people in China. He faced numerous challenges and setbacks throughout his ministry, including persecution, illness, and financial difficulties, but he remained dedicated to his work and deeply loved by those he served.
Taylor is perhaps best known for his innovative approach to missionary work, which included living among the Chinese people, wearing traditional Chinese clothing, and learning the Chinese language and culture. He believed that by adopting these practices, he could more effectively share the Gospel with the Chinese people and demonstrate the love of Jesus to them.
Throughout his life, Taylor remained deeply committed to his faith and his calling to serve others. He is remembered as a courageous and selfless missionary who dedicated his life to spreading the Gospel and serving others. His legacy lives on through the many lives he touched and the ongoing work of missionaries in China and around the world.
The book of Romans has been considered by many scholars and theologians throughout the ages to be the magnum opus of all Paul's letters--as well as the pillar of Christian doctrine and practice. So in this message Stephen reveals to us why this book is not only essential for Christians . . . it is essential for Christianity.
When Paul says in Romans 1:16 that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe, did you know that the Greek word he uses for 'power' in that passage is translated 'dynamite' in English?! Paul is saying that the Gospel isn't just power . . . its explosive power! And he watched it explode in the lives of thousands of men and women throughout his ministry. So if you're feeling weak or ineffective today in your own outreach, this is a message you don't want to miss.
The relationship between faith and works has proved a confusing issue for centuries. But it didn't just begin in the protestant reformation under Martin Luther. No. It began during the time of the Apostles. So let's listen in now as Stephen takes us back to Romans 1:5 to discover not only why True Faith Works . . . but how it works.