
Paul preached contentment in the midst of difficulty. He modeled the kind of faith that sees every obstacle as an opportunity. But he was also human. Like you and me, Paul had hopes and dreams that, at this point in his story, were unfulfilled. As we witness this great apostle deal openly with his most trying disappointment, Stephen helps us confront and deal with our own.

Beyond Christmas and Birthdays

Besides toys, jewelry, education, sports fees, food, clothing and shelter, are you giving your family the gift that matters most?

Struggling to Kneel

The effectiveness of your prayer life is not measured by how many times God answers "Yes," but by your attitude in the times when God says "Wait."

Chasing Sticks

What are your ambitions and dreams? What gets you out of bed in the morning? For the apostle Paul, it was seeing the glory of Christ spreading throughout the world. Stephen reminds us why everything else is secondary.

At the Speed of Angels

Angels may have played no role in the gospel itself, but they played a significant role in proclaiming it. They were swift and obedient in delivering the good news and we as Christians should learn from their example.

Declaring the Break of Dawn

Some people today are skeptical of angels; others are a bit too enamored with them. All in all, few Christians understand who angels are and what purpose they serve. Luke gives us fascinating insights into the workings of angels and Stephen uncovers them in this message.

More Than the Legend of Zeus

What makes Luke's account of Jesus' virgin birth stand out amongst history's many other virgin birth stories? Stephen brings us a wonderful answer as he gives us a lesson in history, world religion, and Christology.

Unlikely Messenger Boys

More surprising than the priests and kings who missed out on God's humble incarnation were the shepherds and peasants who didn't.

The Coming of King-Makers

How did Persian dignitaries learn about the coming Messiah? Furthermore, why did they associate a star with His birth? Stephen brings us deeper insight into this peculiar yet profound aspect of the Christmas story.

A Light From God, Part 2

The world is lost in darkness not because light hasn't come, but because men have turned their backs to it.

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