Caging the Beast Within

In our culture, pornography and prostitution are easily accessible, fornication and adultery are idolized, and alternate lifestyles are heralded. But has the opening of those doors brought greater good into our homes and societies? No. It has led to more sex trafficking, rape, molestation, and voyeurism. As Stephen reminds us in this message, when we forsake God's standard and design for sex, only corruption will follow.

The Industry of Death

Is abortion really murder? Forget what the authorities say; God has already spoken.

A Parent's Bill of Rights

The command to honor parents is not just for kids. In fact, it is a command that becomes more and more significant the older we get.

Sunday . . . Holy Day or Holiday?

Every week we join with our local congregations to sing songs, hear sermons, and serve in diverse ministries, but why do we meet on Sunday instead of the Sabbath? More importantly, why do we even need to meet at all? In this message, Stephen takes us all the way back to Exodus 19 to give us the answer.

Posting Guards . . . Seasoning Words

Contrary to popular opinion, taking God's name in vain is more than just using it as an expletive. In fact, you may have unknowingly taken it in vain already today! In this message, Stephen expounds this age-old commandment in 21st century terms.

No Props, Please!

If you memorize one verse of Scripture today, make it the first commandment. Meditate on it. Write it on the doorpost of your house. To obey that first law is to obey them all.

Ten Commandments and the 21st Century

Why are the Ten Commandments still relevant for us today? The answer is simple: because we are still sinners.

The Sinai Summit

Our culture today has no reverence for God; that much is obvious. But American churches, like ancient Israel, are losing a healthy sense of holy fear as well. Truly, if ever there was a time in our nation when we needed a Sinai summit, it is now.

Meekness . . . Synonym for Moses

Meekness is not weakness -- it is strength under control. It is also an attribute that God regards very highly. In this message, Stephen shows us how to be more like Moses and, ultimately, more like Christ.


If one of the greatest leaders of all time could burn out physically, emotionally, and spiritually, you and I can as well. Stephen helps us prevent that in this practical and insightful message.

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