My360 Helper

The Sands of Sodom

This lesson from Romans 1:26-27 highlights the consequences of rejecting God’s design, leading to distorted passions and unnatural relationships. Paul explains that when people abandon God, He allows them to pursue their sinful desires, resulting in moral and relational corruption. The passage warns against redefining truth to justify sin and urges…read more

The Reign of "Mother" Nature

This lesson from Romans 1:25 highlights humanity’s tragic exchange of God’s truth for lies, leading to misplaced worship. Rejecting the Creator, people elevate nature, self, and false ideologies above God. This results in moral decay, loss of identity, and misguided priorities. The lesson urges believers to resist cultural deception, acknowledge God’s authority, and worship Him alone as the true source of life, meaning, and salvation.

Trading Away the Truth

This lesson from Romans 1:25 warns against exchanging God's truth for lies. Humanity rejects God’s authority, embracing false beliefs that deny absolute truth, promote religious relativism, and dismiss divine judgment. As a result, people replace God with idols and pursue self-destructive paths. The lesson challenges believers to stand firm in biblical truth, resist cultural deceptions, and worship the Creator rather than creation, recognizing that only Christ offers true salvation and fulfillment.


This lesson from Romans 1:24 explains the consequences of rejecting God, as He "gave them over" to impurity. When people refuse to honor God, He allows them to pursue their sinful desires, leading to dishonor and self-destruction. Sinful cravings never satisfy but enslave, like drinking saltwater—it only increases thirst. The lesson warns that abandoning God results in moral decay and urges believers to pursue righteousness through God’s grace.

Embracing the Darkness

This lesson from Romans 1:21-23 explains how humanity, despite knowing God, rejects Him and descends into spiritual darkness. Paul describes how people refuse to glorify or thank God, leading to futile thinking and moral corruption. Instead of worshiping the Creator, they exchange His glory for idols, worshiping creation instead. The lesson warns against self-deception, urges believers to honor God, and highlights the need for true worship that acknowledges His sovereignty.

No Excuse!

This lesson from Romans 1:19-20 emphasizes that God's existence and attributes are clearly revealed through creation and conscience, leaving humanity without excuse. Paul explains that people instinctively know there is a Creator, yet they suppress this truth to justify their sin. The rejection of God's self-evident truth leads to moral and spiritual decay. The lesson challenges believers to acknowledge God's sovereignty, embrace His truth, and share the gospel with those who suppress it.

Truth Imprisoned

This lesson from Romans 1:18b explores humanity’s suppression of truth and rejection of God’s righteousness. Paul reveals that while creation and conscience clearly testify to God’s existence, people deliberately suppress this truth to avoid accountability. Sinful humanity seeks to redefine morality and resist divine authority, leading to widespread spiritual blindness. The lesson challenges believers to acknowledge God’s justice, embrace His truth, and share the gospel with those lost in deception.

The Other Side of God

This lesson from Romans 1:18a explores the often-overlooked attribute of God’s wrath. Paul begins his formal teaching by revealing God’s righteous anger against sin, emphasizing that all humanity stands guilty before Him. Many prefer to focus only on God's love, ignoring His justice, yet Scripture makes clear that His holiness demands judgment. The lesson warns against suppressing this truth and highlights the necessity of recognizing God's wrath to fully appreciate His mercy and grace through Christ.

Dangerous Affairs

This lesson from Proverbs 5-7 warns against the dangers of sexual immorality and the consequences of ignoring God’s wisdom. Solomon describes how temptation begins with delight but ultimately leads to regret, dishonor, and destruction. He urges believers to stay far from sin, remain faithful in marriage, and heed God's warnings. The lesson emphasizes that true fulfillment comes from living in obedience to God's design for purity and relationships.

Facing the Music

This lesson from Proverbs 6:16-19 highlights seven things the Lord hates, emphasizing the seriousness of sin. These include pride, lying, violence, wicked schemes, eagerness to do evil, false testimony, and sowing discord. Each sin reflects a heart that opposes God's character and leads to destruction. The lesson challenges believers to reject these attitudes and instead pursue humility, truth, peace, and righteousness in their daily lives.

Finding Wisdom in the Woodshed

This lesson from Proverbs explores the importance of parental discipline in shaping a child’s character. Solomon emphasizes that correction, when done with love and wisdom, leads to a child’s growth and understanding. Discipline should address both behavior and the heart, guiding children toward righteousness. The lesson encourages parents to balance firm correction with grace, teaching their children the value of obedience, wisdom, and a godly life.

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