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Life After Birth

Without an afterlife what meaning is there for life at all? One morning, some twins were having a conversation in the womb. Listen in.

Light at the end of the Tunnel

Are all beliefs true? How can two opposites be true at the same time? How do you know which truth is really THE truth?


Do you believe in miracles? Is there evidence to support their existence?

Noahs Ark

What do you see when you think of Noah's ark? Do you realize how big it was?

Problem of Suffering

How could a good God allow so much suffering?

Resurrection - Did They Die For A Lie?

Why would the disciples make up a tale called the resurrection? Would they (or you) make up a lie that they (or you) would die for?


Some scientists foolishly say God doesn't exist. Why is it foolish to doubt there's a creator?


Do you tend to loose your nerve when talking to others about God the creator? Who has yet come up with a truly plausible argument against the Biblical account of the origin of man? Upon whom lays the burden of proof?

The Elephant Parable

Non-thinkers use the elephant parable hoping to prove Christianity is not true. Actually, it does the opposite.

The Greatest Evidence

He heard the same horrible words that I heard. "We're shutting the doors for good!" Why didn't he fall apart?

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