PT224 Eng

The Christian landscape is littered with fallen soldiers, men and women who are overwhelmed with guilt and shame. Most of us have no idea what to do with them. Dennis Kizziar presents a seminar on "Fallen, Broken, Restored" and offers a practical biblical guide on how to help Christians who are struggling with significant sin issues. He explains o…read more

SM022 Eng 24. A Lesson About Worship

In Luke 7 Jesus is eating in the house of one of the Pharisees. A sinful woman comes to the house and anoints His feet. Jesus is full of grace and mercy while the Pharisees are not. In this session the teacher: - emphasizes the fact that Jesus blessed a lot of women in His ministry; - shares one of the most perfect models of worship in the New Testament; - unpacks the parable Jesus tells to teach the Pharisees a lesson.

SM022 Eng 23. Peter's Encounter with Jesus in Mattew 16

What can we learn from the most famous encounter of Peter with Jesus in Mathew 16? In this session Ronnie Stevens: - highlights two incredible things about Simon Peter; - argues that Judah is a false disciple; - addresses the controversy about apostolic succession; - encourages students to tell the truth about Christ and the work of Christ.

SM022 Eng 22. Two Encounters and Two Miracles

In Mathew 9 we meet a ruler who asks Jesus to bring back to life his dead daughter and a woman who has suffered from a discharge of blood for twelve years. What can we learn about faith and God's priorities from these encounters with Jesus? In this session the teacher: - explains the differences between chronic and acute diseases; - talks about two kinds of faith; - pays attention to the situations where people try to teach Jesus what death is.

SM022 Eng 21. The Encounter of Jesus with a Canaanite Woman. The Miracle of Healing

Miracles of Jesus are not a random act of power. Miracles back up His claims, teach lessons, illustrate truths and tell stories. What is Jesus teaching us through the miracle in Mathew 15 In this session Ronnie Stevens: - explains the meaning of the word 'dog' in Mathew 15; - encourages the students to proclaim the message in the midst of suffering; - talks about the way our faith grows; - shares interesting examples and illustrations about faith and suffering.

SM022 Eng 20. The Encounter of Jesus with a Canaanite Woman. Great is Your Faith!

In Mathew 15 Jesus happens to be in the district of Tyre and Sidon. There a Canaanite woman, a mother of a demon possessed girl, comes to beg Jesus for mercy. How does Jesus respond to her plea? In this session Ronnie Stevens: - emphasizes Mathew's purpose in recording the genealogy of Jesus; - takes a moment to comment on terrible sufferings of people in the world; - briefly talks about the doctrine of election.

SM022 Eng 19. The Encounter of Jesus with the Centurion

In Mathew 8 we read about the encounter of a gentile, a professional officer of the Roman army, with Jesus. In this session Ronnie Stevens: - highlights what amazes Jesus in the centurion; - discusses the issue about the fate of unbelievers who didn't hear the gospel; - explores key biblical passages; - shares an interesting illustration about the power of the Sun.

SM022 Eng 18. Marks of True Conversion

We come to the place in John 4 where Jesus has revealed to the Samaritan woman who He is. In a very short time He teaches her who she is and who God is. In this session Ronnie Stevens: - talks about an effective evangelistic presentation; - explains the goal of evangelism; - highlights three marks of true conversion; - shares an important principle about harvest.

SM022 Eng 17. Marks of True Worship

We continue our discussion of the ways Jesus shocks the woman at the well. She can see that He is a prophet, and she asks a theological question. In this session the teacher: - talks about two parts of Christian life; - explains why the woman wants to talk about religious controversies; - unpacks the answer Jesus gives about worship.

SM022 Eng 16. The Encounter of Jesus with The Woman at the Well. Living Water

In John 4:10 Jesus begins to speak about living water to the woman at the well. What is her response? Why does she respond in such a way? In this session Ronnie Stevens: - highlights the water motive in the Gospel of John; - compares doing evangelism with teaching a new language; - talks about C.S. Lewis and the importance of asking the right question; - gives an example of how Jesus is greater than Jacob.

SM022 Eng 15. The Encounter of Jesus with The Woman at the Well. Introduction

In John 4 Jesus has an interview with the woman of Samaria. This encounter is important for a number of reasons. In this session the teacher: - talks about the model for evangelism; - provides the historical background to explain the relationship between Samaritans and Jews; - encourages believers to treat unbelievers as human beings who have something to offer; - emphasizes the apologetic value of this encounter.

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