A206 ENG 16. The Qur'an and Muhammad

In this lecture you will look at the role of Muhammad in the Muslim movement. Muhammad is the model which reveals true submission to the Qur'an. They also think that when Jesus talks about the Comforter He promises to send Muhammad. David Shenk explains why they are wrong in their speculations.

A206 ENG 15. The Qur'an and Jesus

" The Messiah is a mystery for Muslims, even the name of Jesus in the Qur'an has no meaning. In this lecture David Shenk looks at the statements about Jesus in the Qur'an and explains them. He also shares his conviction about the centrality of the Cross by telling another interesting story. "

A206 ENG 14. Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac

In this lecture you're going to look at Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac. Christans, Muslims and Jews believe that Abraham is the father of faith and are very impressed by the call of God to Abraham recorded in Genesis 12. All of them believe that they are spiritual progeny of that call to Abraham. David Shenk invites you to explore that idea.

A206 ENG 10. Presenting the Gospel to Muslim

As we think of presenting the Gospel among any people we need to keep in mind what their worldview is. David Shenk shares his experience of sharing the Gospel among the muslims and developing a special course for them and using Qur'an as a bridge.

A206 ENG 09. The Five Pillars of Muslim Theology

To introduce the topic of Muslim theology and praxis David Shenk begins with the first chapter of Qur'an where you can find the first prayer of the day. The teacher reads that prayer to the students and ask them if it's OK for a Christian to pray that prayer. You will learn about the way Muslims pray and ask God to show them the straight way. In this lecture David Shenk talks about the House of Islam and helps us to explore the five pillars of Muslim theology (Iman) and learn about the worldview in which these pillars reside.

A206 ENG 08. The Muslim Community Part 2

David Shenk continues the discussion about the Muslim community, the meanings of the words "Islam" and "Muslim". They believe that they are the perfect community and can't go astray. Ummah is called to bear witness over the nations from the position of authority. To wrap up this lecture the teacher opens the book of Exodus to explain that God Almighty is the God who comes down to meet us and save us.

A206 ENG 13. Adam and Eve

In this lecture David Shenk will move into a different direction and talk about Adam and Eve. The first three chapters of Genesis are extremely important to understand the Christian worldview. These chapters are very pertanent in understanding who we are as human beings. The islamic understanding of the first family of Adam and Eve is also important for their theology and mission. You will discover convergence and divergence within the Biblical account and Islamic understanding.

A206 ENG 12. The Mission of Islam to the World

What do muslims believe about their mission to the whole world? The mission is expressed in the call to prayer five times daily. Muslims feel that they have a mission in regard to a Christian church to help the Christians to recover and preserve unity. David Shenk explains how Muslims try to accomplish their mission.

A206 ENG 11. The Five Pillars of Muslim Praxis

In this lecture you will explore five pillars of duty. David Shenk introduces this topic by sharing a story about the man who preached against him in the mosque and how he told him about the five pillars of duty which helped people to get to heaven. Some Muslims also talk about the sixth pillar which is called jihad. David Shenk explains the difference between the greater jihad and the lesser jihad and also talks about the way they are expressed. The teacher also explains how the call to jihad has became an offensive movement in order to preserve the integrity of Ummah.

PT518 Eng 1. The Harassed and Helpless Around You

In Matt.9:36 Jesus had compassion on the crowds of people, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. But what about the people who know the Good Shepherd? How do they feel 'harassed and helpless' in their life and walk with Christ? In this lecture Lee Eclov introduces the course on pastoral care and counseling by sharing the results of the survey conducted in the Village Church Linconshire, north of Chicago.

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