PT518 Eng 25. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

One of the most basic and widely-accepted approaches to counseling is cognitive behavioral therapy. It is based on the idea that our thoughts cause our feelings and behaviors, not external things, like people, situations and events. In this lecture Lee Eclov looks at the benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy and explains the process of helping others to find new ways of thinking and responding.

PT518 Eng 24. Prayer in Counseling

Sometimes the best thing you can do for people who come for counseling is pray for them. You can pray before a session, during a session or after a session. In this lecture Lee Eclov talks about praying for counselees "in the Spirit" with Biblical words and ideas. Watch this video if you want to learn to pray thoughtfully and pray in faith.

PT518 Eng 23. Listening . Four Attributes of Empathy.

To understand another person's feelings, we have to be in touch with our own feelings. To be able to see the world as others see it, we must put aside our own "stuff". To connect with people we need empathy. In this section of the lecture Lee Eclov talks about four attributes of empathy.

PT518 Eng 22. Listening. The most basic gift and skill.

"The first service that one owes to others in the fellowship consists in listening to them", wrote Dietrich Bonhoeffer. What happens when a pastor or Christian friend listens well? In this section of the lecture Lee Eclov talks about the importance of the ministry of listening and identifying embedded theology that shapes a person's life and practices. Do you want to be in control and earn trust? Then learn to listen.

PT518 Eng 21. Key Transformative Biblical Principles

When we consider how to use Scripture to help people deal with sins and diseases of the soul, let alone less inward issues, it can be daunting because we feel as though we know so little of the Bible. But there are relatively few transforming life principles in Scripture. Many texts point to these basic principles. They are all centered in Jesus Christ. Without a relationship with Jesus, and the truth of Jesus, these do not work. In this lecture Lee Eclov shares some practical examples and asks you to identify transformational principles that can help in each situation.

PT518 Eng 20. The Pastor’s Tools: Authority, Wisdom & Grace

Pastors need to be careful how they handle authority. Ministry leaders need wisdom that comes at the intersection of their Bible study, ministry conversations and reflection. A pastor needs pockets full of grace. In this lecture Lee Eclov speaks about three essential tools in the pastor's toolbox: authority, wisdom and grace.

PT518 Eng 19. Building with Broken People. Lessons Learned: Grace Brings Out the Worst in People.

Grace brings out the worst in people, like a poultice. A poultice is medicine covered in cloth and placed over a wound to draw out an infection. We all love to hear testimonies of God’s grace. Pastors also hear pre-testimonies. We hear the terrible things that happened before Jesus saved someone. We hear how those things hang on sometimes to torment Christians. In this section of the lecture "Building with Broken People" Lee Eclov gives advice on how to separate guilt from regret and confront sinners.

PT518 Eng 16. Sin. What happens when we sin?

Sin dries out souls, leaving parts of our inward lives hardened against God, as if the nerve endings were deadened and the muscles atrophied. Worse still, sin in us is a contagion - spreading spiritual toxins throughout our own lives and then infecting others. How does sin affect the body, mental health and the soul? What does the Scripture say about sin? In this section of the lecture Lee Eclov answers these questions and talks about the consequences of sin.

PT518 Eng 18. Building with Broken People. Psalm 103.

In Psalm 103:1-5 David, the psalmist, is speaking to his soul about the benefits of our salvation. In this section of the lecture "Building with Broken People" Lee Eclov shares biblical principles on forgiveness and helping people with diseases of the soul. What's the difference between a disease of the soul and sin? Watch this video to find it out.

PT518 Eng 17. Sin. Problems the Pastoral Counselor Might Face.

What should the counselor do once sin has been identified and acknowledged? What if the counselee doesn't agree that it is sin? How do we lead people to grace? In this section of the lecture Lee Eclov gives practical examples and talks about problems the pastoral counselor faces in dealing with someone's sin and teaches how to handle them.

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