PT224 Eng

The Christian landscape is littered with fallen soldiers, men and women who are overwhelmed with guilt and shame. Most of us have no idea what to do with them. Dennis Kizziar presents a seminar on "Fallen, Broken, Restored" and offers a practical biblical guide on how to help Christians who are struggling with significant sin issues. He explains o…read more

SM022 Eng 14. How Can a Man Be Born Again?

When Nicodemus stops talking, Jesus goes on. He explains how a person has to be born again before he becomes a candidate to see the Kingdom of God. In this session the teacher: - briefly explains the doctrine of regeneration; - emphasizes how counterintuitive God is when he tells people to look at the serpent in Numbers 21 and when He sends His Son to die for sinners; - talks about life and death.

SM022 Eng 13. The Encounter of Jesus with Nicodemus

In John 3 we read one of the most famous encounters with Jesus in the New Testament. Why is the narrative about Nicodemus so important? In this session Ronnie Stevens: - talks about the interview Jesus has with Nicodemus; - explores key passages about new birth, baptism and salvation; - explains the reasons that divide denominations.

SM022 Eng 12. The Encounter of Jesus with His Neighbors

When Jesus comes to Nazareth, He begins to teach in the synagogue. At first people like Him, then they try to kill Him. In this session Ronnie Stevens talks about the encounter Jesus has with his neighbors and: - explains the difference between patriotism and nationalism; - unpacks Luke 4 and explains why all people in the synagogue are filled with wrath; - highlights a great lesson we can learn about God.

SM022 Eng 11. The Encounter of Jesus with Mary at the Wedding Feast

Sometimes we read what Jesus says and it doesn’t seem to be connected to the context. It's because He knows people's thoughts and responds to them. In this session the teacher: - explores the famous encounter of Mary with Jesus at the wedding feast; - shares the best advice in the history of the world; - talks about prayer and miracles; - encourages us to follow the model of Mary and obey God in the time He disappoints us.

SM022 Eng 10. The Disciples Encounter Jesus. First Followers of Christ

In Luke 5 we come to the Sea of Galilee where so many lessons are taught by Jesus. Why do Peter and others leave the business of fishing and begin to follow Jesus? In this session Ronnie Stevens: - explains the difference between teaching and training; - explores the account of Peter and other fishermen obeying the words of Jesus; - talks about two categories of God's attributes and His vision for us.

SM022 Eng 9. The Disciples Encounter Jesus. Nathanael's Faith

How does Jesus work faith in Nathanael's heart? What verbs constitute the disciples' motto? In this session the teacher explores Nathanael's encounter with Jesus and: - talks about regional prejudices; - highlights the miracle of reading one's mind; - unpacks John 1:50 and emphasizes three key verbs; - uses an illustration about flying in the dark to show how the Bible can help us see in the darkness; - explains the connection between Nathanael and Jacob's ladder.

SM022 Eng 6. The Temptation of Jesus by the Devil

Jesus is baptized in Mathew 3 and he is tempted by the devil in chapter 4. How can we profit from the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness? In this session the teacher investigates an unusual encounter of Jesus and: - talks about the authority of Scripture and the importance of fellowship; - shares his position on whether Jesus could sin; - explains the devil’s tactics in tempting Jesus; - encourages us to be ready to resist the opposition.

SM022 Eng 8. The Disciples Encounter Jesus. Logos. The Lamb of God

In the beginning of John 1 Jesus is introduced as Logos, the Word of God, the explanation of God and the meaning of God. In the second half of John 1 Jesus is presented as the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. In this session Ronnie Stevens: - explains how Jesus answers the needs of the Jews and the Greeks; - talks about Isaac and his question in Genesis 22; - explores the theme of receiving a new name; - shares three orientations to discipleship.

SM022 Eng 7. Encountering Jesus in His Teaching

How do we encounter Jesus in His teaching? How does the Sermon on the Mount represent who Jesus is? In this session Ronnie Stevens: - highlights the counterintuitive nature of what Jesus says and does; - quotes John Stott's words about the Sermon on the Mount; - talks about the messianic expectations of Jews; - explains the first goal of an evangelist.

SM022 Eng 5. The Encounter of Jesus with John the Baptist. Doubts of John in Prison

In Mathew 11 we find John in prison. His suffering is so great that he has doubts even though he has heard God speak from heaven. What can we learn from that account? In this session Ronnie Stevens: - speculates about John's expectations; - explains what Jesus means in verse 11 when he speaks about John the Baptist; - talks about two fantastic experiences we will have in heaven.

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