How to Respond to the Pain of Someone Suffering

Are you an answer to the needs of the hurting?

Guidelines for Dealing with Difficult People

Here are steps to help diffuse situations with difficult people.

Here is Why Touch Can be Healing

Are you a hand-shaker or a hugger?

How Do I Know When It's Time to Quit?

These guidelines will help you when to say "when."

Four Ways God Answers Prayer

God does hear and answer His child!

This is What You Can Gain from Suffering

What are you praying for God to do in your struggle?

Learn How to Live With Your Past

If you had the power to change something that happened yesterday, would you do it?

Four Steps to a Stronger Faith

Interested to know how you can grow spiritually?

Start Seeing God's Blessings in Your Life!

Some biblical thoughts on the wonderful word "blessing."

What is the Significance of Light?

Light is... Can you fill in the blank?

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