Surrendering Your Body and Mind to God

Are you ready to bless the Lord with your all?

Do You Feel Worthless or Unloved?

You're not perfect now, but you will be...someday!

What to Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

God will answer in His time, so don't be discouraged!

Do You Feel Overloaded?

Here's how you can turn your mind off and find peace.

Why Should I Learn How to Forgive?

"When we forgive, we are giving that other person over into God's hands."

Start Building Character in Your Kids

It's great to teach your children about true heroes you can find in the Bible!

What is God's Purpose for Me?

Your circumstance may not convince you that God loves you -- but He does!

Walk Step by Step with God

Are you mentally trying to cross a bridge even if you aren't there yet?

Start Casting Your Anxieties on God

God is big enough to handle anything you bring to Him!

What Should I Do Next?

If you feel like you can't go on, just do the next thing!

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