When God Calls, Answer!
Have you ever ignored God's voice speaking to you?
How to Make a Decision
Don't work yourself to death, but determine if the Lord wants you to say "Yes" or "No" to an opportunity.
Where to Find Quiet for Your Soul
You can quiet your soul and find peace in God's arms.
You Can Trust, No Matter What
Can you really trust God amidst tragedy?
Don't Lose Heart
Know that you can always count on God even in the most desperate situations.
Here is How God Works
God works according to His purpose!
Use What You Have
God is asking, "What do you have in your hands?"
Go Just a Little Farther
God knows your limitations, but keep going a little farther!
Why You Should Give Thanks
Do you remember to say "Thank You"?
Why You Can Be Free of Your Past
You are not the sum total of your past, especially if you are a brand-new person in Christ!