They Soon Forgot What He Had Done
See the difference it makes in your attitude when you remember God's blessings!
When Life Knocks You Down
When life knocks you down, don't quit or give up in discouragement.
Grace is Love Stooping
Picture God reaching down to touch you and equate that with grace as love stooping!
Fear or Love?
Love can make fear disappear quickly!
Motivating Millennials
Here's how you can influence millennials, especially those living in your home!
Misery--and Relief!
The only way out of misery is to come home to the Father and ask for His forgiveness.
How to Learn Contentment
Knowing that there is no shortcut through problems and experiences of life will ultimately teach you contentment.
The One Thing to Do Before You Speak
Do you really know how to listen?
When You Don't Know Which Way to Go
Are you looking for God's direction, but can't seem to find an answer?
Here's How God Cares
God not only knows the facts of your situation, but sympathizes with you as well.