A Deeper Pause

Life is like a bike tire. We don't intentionally take air out, it just leaves. And just as it's harder to peddle with flat tires, it's not as fun to live when the air has leaked out of our lives. Life has a way of deflating us. It is to the people who are feeling like flat tires that a sweet invitation comes today. "Come to me all who weary and are carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest."

You Can Have a Deeper Certainty

Have you ever heard the saying, The older I get, the less I know? Just when we think we've learned all the answers, someone changes the questions. Life, it seems, is full of the unknown. But happily, St. John has some wonderful things we can know with certainty. Let's learn what they are in the last study of our "Deeper" series.

David's Messiah

What is the relationship between our hopes and dreams, the character and heart of God, and our faith in God's promises? Let's talk about that in our message, "David's Messiah."Join us, won't you?

A Deeper Love

What are the marks of a Christian life? We are going to look at one of those marks in our message today as we continue our sermon series entitled, "Deeper."

A Deeper Hope for God's Children

It is important for believers in Jesus Christ to remember who and whose they are - a child of God - precious in His sight with a glorious future. They can look forward to a date when they will meet Him face to face. They have become children of God, born again to live their days confident with a deep hope.

The Deepest Truth of All

What do you believe about Jesus? Your understanding of Jesus Christ is critical to your relationship with God. Whenever the truth about Jesus is muddied, people get confused and their eternal destiny is at risk. Let's take a look at some deeper truths that St. John shares with us about Jesus.

A Deeper Desire

Pleasure, possessions, pride. It seems we spend our entire lives striving to fulfill these desires. But what if we told you there is something beyond these, something far greater than the world can ever offer? Interested?

How the Mighty have Fallen

Did you know that even the strongest Biblical heroes were tempted and had moments of failure? How is it that God desires to use us, even though we face temptations and at times, fall? Listen in to Christian Crusaders to learn how.

A Deeper Cleansing Is Available

What do you do when you mess up in life? Let’s take a look at an answer to that question in our message from St. John, an eyewitness to Christ.

Taking a Deeper Walk

What does a real Christian look like? Is it someone who is nice, doesn't swear, and goes to church every Sunday? What about the person who quotes Jesus a lot? Stay with us as we learn from the apostle John how to live a deeper walk with our Lord.

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