The Pathfinder

Over 100 US colleges and universities have a chapter of this organization. They also have chapters in more than 100 countries. Wow! Who started this and why would he bother? This man was regarded by Billy Graham as having impacted more people than anyone else he knew. Why would Dawson Trotman be called "the Pathfinder"?

Dr Al Potter Interview

How can you teach abstinence in a public setting such as a school district without it being totally condemned as a religious value? Find out on this episode of "Heroes of the Cross" with Ben LaCorte.

Brian Bird Interview

How can a Christian "guppy" survive in the shark filled pond? To take it a step further, now is it possible to thrive in the same scenario? Brian Bird shares how God worked miraculously on a Hollywood set in filming "The Case For Christ" on today's episode of "Heroes of the Cross".

Heroine of the Scots

Scottish Heroine of the Cross Refuses to Compromise the Gospel

Erin Lawrence Interview

"I told God what I wanted to do!" How did God respond to this? How does one go about being a "market place minister"? How can a Christian teacher share in the classroom thoughts about evolution?

Nick and Absolute Truth

So what is involved in the field of apologetics? Why is it important for you and your family to study it? Is there "Absolute Truth"? Ben LaCorte answers these and more questions on today's episode of "Heroes of the Cross".

Why Christian History?

What good can possibly come from any study of Christian history? How can learning about people who lived hundreds, thousands of years ago help you today? This intro program will help you understand why it is more than worthwhile to know.

Perpetua & Felicitas

Heroine of the Coliseum: The Gladiator sent to finish her off was trembling. Find out why.


Ever feel like no one notices what great work you do? Have you ever felt like you have no influence? Today's story of a martyr from the earliest days of the Church is one of incredible encouragement to keep on serving.


How is it that a strong hater of Christians became such a strong ambassador of Christ? What has God called you to do? What has God called you to be? Who would you rather have been: Paul, Ananias or Stephen?

Rachel Scott

Spiritual maturity can be elusive to some who want to think they have it. Many seasoned Christians lack it upon examination. So what does it look like? What does it act like? Today's episode is of a teenager who exemplifies Spiritual maturity. How may you be an example of it?

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