Your Kingdom Impact Can Make a Difference | Tony Evans Sermons

Dr. Tony Evans delves into the inspiring story of Nehemiah, a man who developed a Kingdom Vision to rebuild Jerusalem. Join him in this look at how God can use ordinary people to make an extraordinary impact on Earth. #tonyevans #tonyevanssermon #KingdomImpact

This World Is Not Our Home | Tony Evans Highlight

Dr. Tony Evans emphasizes the notion of not conforming to the values and pressures of the worldly culture. We must always strive to prioritize a relationship with God over a love for the transient world, and that such worldly attachments can jeopardize a higher level of intimacy with God. #tonyevans #tonyevanssermon #Conformity

God Wants You to Be Victorious | Tony Evans Sermons

Dr. Tony Evans emphasizes the importance of viewing life through kingdom lenses, aligning our perspective with God's vision. Often people see life through cultural, racial, or personal lenses, but God calls us to see it through His kingdom perspective. Even when challenges seem insurmountable, we are to break free from past limitations, take bold steps in faith, and embrace God's perspective for a victorious life. #tonyevans #tonyevanssermon #KingdomPerspective

Drawing Down God’s Kingdom to Earth | Tony Evans Highlight

Dr. Tony Evans focuses on the concept of God's kingdom and its relevance in our lives. When we pray for "Thy kingdom come," we are asking for God's rule to manifest in our lives, aligning our decisions, relationships, and priorities with His will. #tonyevans #tonyevanssermon #GodsKingdom

Conquering Your Demons | Tony Evans Sermons

Dr. Tony Evans emphasizes the necessity of addressing spiritual issues when confronting overwhelming challenges. Join him for this look at how Jesus can deliver us from the grip of darkness and restore hope and healing. #tonyevans #tonyevanssermon #JesusDelivers

Mending the Cracks in Our Culture | Tony Evans Highlight

Dr. Tony Evans reminds us of the spiritual necessity that is unity between one another. He points out that disunity within ourselves, in families, and in communities, hinders the presence and work of God. Genuine unity, rooted in spiritual principles, is crucial for resolving conflicts and returning to a state of divine connection and harmony #tonyevans #tonyevanssermon #Unity

5 Lessons from the Book of Hosea - Tony Evans #shorts

Hosea is a book of six cycles that involve sin, salvation, judgment, and restoration. It is set against the backdrop of a covenantal marriage between Hosea and his wife, Gomer, who broke that covenant. God used their relationship to illustrate the fact that Israel, the people with whom he had entered into a sacred covenant, had also broken faith by committing spiritual adultery with false gods. Their actions broke God’s heart. Israel’s sin brought judgment, just as Hosea’s wife suffered for her waywardness. But, this book also demonstrates God’s heart for forgiveness and reconciliation as Hosea was told to welcome his wife back even though she had been unfaithful to him. Through his prophet’s actions, then, God was saying to Israel, “I will welcome you back if you will re-covenant yourselves to me.” Under God’s kingdom plan, he would forgive his people’s sins and restore their relationship. Hosea teaches that God will not allow his people to become unfaithful to him without consequences. Just as a husband and wife expect faithfulness of one another in marriage, God expects the full-time commitment of his people. 5 Lessons from the Book of Hosea - Tony Evans #shorts #1John #leadership #tonyevans #TonyEvans #NewTestament #BibleStudy

When God Goes Silent on You | Tony Evans Sermons

Dr. Tony Evans answers the profound question of why we face suffering and adversity. Join him as he highlights the concept of God's sovereignty in allowing trials and tests in one's life and the importance of maintaining faith through challenges. #tonyevans #tonyevanssermon #Trials

God Wants You to Pursue Your Purpose | Tony Evans Highlight

Dr. Evans discusses the importance of pursuing the God-given vision for your life. God is the ultimate planner and everything is part of His divine plan, therefore we should always strive to develop plans when we receive our vision or calling. #tonyevans #tonyevanssermon #purpose

You Are Free from Satan’s Accusations | Tony Evans Sermons

Dr. Tony Evans discusses the concept of a spiritual courtroom and the importance of having Jesus as our defense attorney. He emphasizes the significance of the verdict rendered by the cross and how it cancels out the legal accusations against believers, freeing them from the devil's control and allowing them to live in the new kingdom of God. #tonyevans #tonyevanssermon #Freedom

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