ComeOnLetsGo church small group curriculum - Pastor Doug Plumlee
Kenneth Blevins leads officer to Christ - ComeOnLetsGo
Joe Brown - Old fashioned preachers and mind control - ComeOnLetsGo
"I was on a road before I got saved that would have led me probably to my death."
Ted - When I confessed I was a faker, the church accepted me with love - ComeOnLetsGo
"I was so afraid that they were going to be mad at me because I had been lying to them all this time."
How to know God - Women at the Well ministries
How to know God - Awaken ministries
Tyrone - The music kept me from suicide.
"I catch myself staring down at my hands because I feel like that I’m watching myself play to the true audience, which is God."
Tommy - This amputee mows fields and rides horses - ComeOnLetsGo
"The reason for the Amputee Ministry that we've started is that we had to go through it by ourselves. Nobody was there to help us out."
Cheryl - He was 60. I was 14 - ComeOnLetsGo
"I started to understand that was the void I was trying to fill is that I didn’t have Him in my life."
Brian - State football champ with rejection issues - ComeOnLetsGo
"She thought I wasn't listening. But really I was."