Javed - Followed my brilliant brother into Atheism - ComeOnLetsGo

"So I listen to them and they say, “If you have any problems, give us a call.” So I said, “Heck, let’s laugh at these Christians. “So I called them thinking I was going to make fun of them."

Copy of Danny Gokey - Why did God let the love of my life die? - ComeOnLetsGo

"But I couldn’t escape the idea that suicide would be a good escape. It was like I was holding on the casket of my wife, and as morbid as it sounds was like I was being buried."

Laurie - Parked each morning outside the liquor store - ComeOnLetsGo

"So, my two year old, at one point, brought me a bottle of vodka. He said; “Here’s your drinking bottle mommy.”

Greg - Given another chance to know God after being hit by car - ComeOnLetsGo

"I should have been killed. I should have been thrown into trees or paralyzed, but by the grace of God I was spared."

Lisa - Consulted a fortune-telling prophetic book - ComeOnLetsGo

"When I was about thirteen or fourteen I wanted some answers for my life. So, I started tossing the I Ching."

Darren - Got another chance to live right after shooting him in the head - ComeOnLetsGo

"They took me to the dessert out in Tucson, AZ and tried to make me dig a hole. They were going to bury me in the hole. So I told them; “Kill me and dig it yourself.”

Lisa - From Judaism to Buddhism to Rosicrucianism - ComeOnLetsGo

"That voice that I have heard my whole life, that calling, that feeling of someone being next to me my whole life had a name."

Cody - If I wasn't perfect, then I was trash - ComeOnLetsGo

"If I found myself messing up in one of those areas, or if I found myself not knowing what to say in front of a group of people I would be like; “Man you’re such an idiot!"

Corbin - Confused by this fire inside my belly - ComeOnLetsGo

"I don’t know what it was. There was this flame inside my stomach just boiling over."

Bailey - Overcoming fear of the future - ComeOnLetsGo

"All you really have is love and that’s like all you have to give. There’s nothing else out there. Everything else is fleeting."

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