Kim Stone - Experienced death. Then I saw good and bad spirits - Come on let's go

When Para medics arrived they immediately began trying to resuscitate me. The results were, blood pressure - zero, pulse - zero, respiration - zero. I was clinically dead.

Robert - I tied fishing wire to the shotgun's trigger - short clip

"I had loaded the rifle and put it on the coffee table. I had a fishing line tied to it."

Catherine - Gambled away the grocery money - Come on let's go

Catherine would sneak out in the middle of the night while her husband was sleeping, or spend three hours during lunch break at work, all to feed her gambling habit. But when a "little white girl" approached her in the parking lot, her life took an amazing turn.

Robert - I tied fishing wire to the shotgun's trigger - Come on Lets Go

"I had loaded the rifle and put it on the coffee table. I had a fishing line tied to it."

Matt K - Because I said "hi" she didn't kill herself - Come on let's go

This one girl sat by herself every day at the high school cafeteria. Matt's small way of being Jesus to her was to say hi as often as possible. It turned out to be a pretty big thing.

Amy Z - Homosexuality and my dad the preacher - Come on let's go

"I was mad at my dad for destroying my family. He had taught me homosexual behavior was a sin. He had instilled in me that homosexuality was wrong, and suddenly he was trying to get me to justify it."

Anthony - The drug kingpin tried to kill me - short clip

"I would take guys into restaurants and everybody knew to take off their hats. One of the guys, who I still talk to, asked me, “Why do you pray? You know what we do here, right? We sell drugs. Why do you pray?"

Nick - The first girl to tell me no was an atheist - short clip

"There weren’t any boundaries with girls."

Anthony - Angels protected me as the drug lord tried to kill me - Come on let's go

The top assistant for a major drug lord for New York and Puerto Rico, Anthony decided to get out while he still had money and before the feds cracked down on the cartel. His boss, who believed Anthony was a snitch, tried to kill him. Convinced that angels protected him from death, Anthony turned to Christ to build a new life.

Ternae - The bullet is still in my head - Come on let's go

A bullet remains in his skull, but the prayers of God's people, like with Meredith, healed Ternae after being accidentally shot as a teenager. To hear more stories like this ones click here:

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