Overcoming sexual addiction.


Pornography and adultery destroyed my marriage.

Don II

I was obsessed, what they now call a sex addiction.

Bernie - From riches to rags to trust - Come on let's go

"Because of back taxes they took all the money I had in the bank. So I didn’t have anything except for a name and royalties that were also tied up. So I was really having to trust God."

Mike Shreve - Buddha and others miss the truth that Jesus reveals - Come on let's go

When I was a Yoga teacher I heard many people say that both Jesus and Buddha were avatars, which a Hindu word meaning, “Incarnation of God.” I believed it also.

Kayla - Social Services removed me my from my home - Come on let's go

Kayla was on the receiving end of child custody problems. Godly families at church helped rescue her from verbal, physical, and sexual abuse at home.

Angie - I allowed the abuse because I didn't know God's love - Come on let's go

"I spent nine years in that physical abuse. He was in and out of jail. He was in different relationships with other women. He was either in a treatment center, in jail, or on the streets."

Matt II - Rebelled against God and did what I wanted

"I realized that even when I am faithless, He is still faithful."

Angie - My Grandmother tried three times to abort me - Come on let's go

"When my mother told her that she was pregnant she took her to what we would call now a backwoods abortionist."

Angie - Rejected and beaten by a man - Come on let's go

She sat me down on her couch and asked me if I knew how much Jesus loved me. My first thought was, “Why are you talking this Jesus stuff in the middle of all this drama?"

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