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#shorts Manuel's Story Part 3

#strugglesofpoverty #familybonds #makingendsmeet #christmasevefears #faithinadversity #trustingthepromises #overcominghardship

The True Meaning of Christmas

Is Christmas really only about being with family and friends and partying and shopping? What is the true meaning of Christmas? Find Peace:

Manuel's Story Part 1

"You know I'm going to hunt you down!" #shorts

David - I wanted a good time. She had a better idea.

"Maybe that was an angel of God!" Find Peace:

James - I heard a voice tell me to flush the meth.

The struggle was intense because a marriage and yet much more was at stake What can prayer do? How can victory be won? Find Peace:

Bernie - How you can know God's love

He was on top of the music world, but still lacking something of significance. In one incredible moment, God stepped in and changed everything. Find Peace:

Amanda - Drawn to evil and something more mysterious.

Abused, then confused by someone who should have been trust worthy, Amanda was drawn away from God. But God . . . Find Peace:

Lewie - Money, women, and drugs didn't make me happy.

What is better than the first high, regardless of what created the first high? What truly provides the long sought for satisfaction? Find Peace:

Beaver - Felt like I was leaving my body.

"They were the only thing that kept me from killing myself." Find Peace:

Dr. Tom - No chemo could stop my cancer.

"I knew that chemo had a limit, but with God, He has no limits." What happened when people prayed to a God who hears and answers prayer? Find Peace:

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