My360 Helper

Real Bad Guys: Jimmy & Kelly Needham

-Jimmy Needham wrote a book to help kids understand that they need a savior and that God looks beyond appearances. He and his wife, Kelly, tell us more!

Praying for My Pastor: Encountering Jesus with Dane Ortlund

Have you ever wondered how Jesus really feels about you? At times, many imagine He's disappointed or aloof. Author and pastor Dane Ortlund wants us to experience Jesus' truest heart towards us and for that to transform our lives and ministries.

How to Embrace Jesus' Love for You: Dane Ortlund

Have you ever wondered how Jesus really feels about you? At times, many imagine He's disappointed or aloof. Author and pastor Dane Ortlund wants us to experience Jesus' truest heart towards us and for that to transform our lives and ministries.

The Heart of Jesus: How He Really Feels About You, with Dane Ortlund

Have you ever wondered how Jesus really feels about you? At times, many imagine He's disappointed or aloof. Author and pastor Dane Ortlund wants us to experience Jesus' truest heart towards us and for that to transform our lives and ministries.

Dave & Ann Discuss: Tim Keller on Marriage

Did you know that marriage has power? Dave and Ann discuss Tim Keller on marriage and the powerful ways it can lead to mutual growth and Christlikeness!

Surviving Back-To-School Stress: David & Meg Robbins

Ever struggled with parental anxiety or inadequacy? Overwhelmed with back-to-school chaos? You're not alone. David and Meg Robbins share their experience as parents along with encouragement.

The Parental Anxiety Struggle is Real: David & Meg Robbins

Ever struggled with parental anxiety or inadequacy? Overwhelmed with back-to-school chaos? You're not alone. David and Meg Robbins share their experience as parents along with encouragement.

Enduring the Pain of Sickness & Death: Rechab & Brittany Gray

Enduring the pain of having a sick child seems impossible. Dave and Ann Wilson are joined by Rechab and Brittany Gray, as they recount the effect of multiple medical crises on their family and faith.

What If I Feel Anger at God: Rechab & Brittany Gray

Enduring the pain of having a sick child seems impossible. Dave and Ann Wilson are joined by Rechab and Brittany Gray, as they recount the effect of multiple medical crises on their family and faith.

The Power of the Word: Rechab & Brittany Gray

Enduring the pain of having a sick child seems impossible. Dave and Ann Wilson are joined by Rechab and Brittany Gray, as they recount the effect of multiple medical crises on their family and faith.

Is Your Church Equipped to Provide Help for Marriages? Brad & Marilyn Rhoads

Brad and Marilyn Rhoads struggled early in their marriage. But when they learned to embrace God's grace in marriage, their relationship was transformed. Now they work to help strengthen others' marriages!

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