Loving Adopted Children Well: Gary Chapman and Laurel Shaler
Adoption is beautiful AND it comes with unique challenges. As an adoptive parent, how do you love well? Drs. Gary Chapman and Laurel Shaler offer help!
Should You Try To Be 'Perfect?' David & Meg Robbins
Harder, faster, better, stronger.' Are you constantly striving to be better? Perfect? David and Meg Robbins share their growth from perfectionism to grace.
Perfectionism and Your Marriage: Faith Chang
Is perfectionism impacting your marriage? Or parenting? Faith Chang saw the impact of perfectionism on her family—and offers insights on breaking free.
Is Perfectionism Stealing Your Peace? Faith Chang
Do you struggle with perfectionism and anxiety with God? Faith Chang shares her story, offering hope for relief and freedom for the Christian life.
Men in the Arena - Jim Ramos - Ron Deal
Do you have step-children? Do you know someone who does? Why should "Men in the Arena" be on your radar? Learn the answer to this last question as Ron Deal interviews Jim Ramos in today's edition of "FamilyLife Today".
Love Is Messy! - Paul and Jill Miller
"This is a group of people who have been left behind." Who is Jill Miller talking about? Who has left them behind?
Finding Jesus on Upsidedown Days: Paul and Jill Miller
" The church is not complete without disability." What does Jill Miller mean with that statement?
Dr. Gary Chapman - More of the Five Traits of a Healthy Family
Having touched on Service and Intimacy in the previous episode, Dr. Gary Chapman shares three more of the five traits of a healthy family in today's episode of "Family Life Today".
Dr. Gary Chapman - Five Traits of a Healthy Family
How can you get your spouse to love you once again?
Lost--and Finding Myself: Barbara Rainey
Do you question your purpose? Barbara Rainey shares how she was questioning who she was after leaving leadership roles and how she found her purpose.