An Act of Pure Praise, Ep 1 of 2

A lot of us equate “worship” with “singing.” But the gospel of John tells us about a woman who worshiped Jesus through an extravagant gift valued at a whole year’s worth of income. Pastor Bob Bakke helps you discover what this generous worshiper has to teach us today, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.

Leverage Your Ordinary Moments For the Gospel

Is your life normal? Maybe even a little boring? The good news of Jesus transforms the mundane into an opportunity for gospel ministry. From the way we view our homes to what we think about when we visit the grocery store—the gospel changes all of it. Dannah Gresh, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, and others talk about it …on Revive Our Hearts Weekend.

My Personal Petitions, Ep 10 of 10

“Walk by faith, not by sight.” Have you heard this biblical command? What does living by faith look like on a typical day? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you what it means to choose faith over what you see on Revive Our Hearts.

My Personal Petitions, Ep 9 of 10

Have you heard that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom? We know it’s true, but what does that mean in real life? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you what it means to fear the Lord in day-to-day life, on Revive Our Hearts.

My Personal Petitions, Ep 8 of 10

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth defines wisdom this way: Wisdom is the ability to see all of life from a godly perspective and to act accordingly. Doesn’t that sound like something all of us need? Nancy shows you how to get that kind of godly wisdom on Revive Our Hearts.

My Personal Petitions, Ep 7 of 10

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth asks women: When you speak to friends and family, do your words give life or cause discouragement? She helps you learn how to build up those around you through your words on Revive Our Hearts.

My Personal Petitions, Ep 6 of 10

Expectations and comparison will kill gratitude. That’s what Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says. She explains why expectations and comparison are so dangerous, and she shows you how to develop a beautiful, grateful spirit, on Revive Our Hearts.

How to Find Unfailing Love

People often have emotional and subjective ways of defining love. But what does God say? How do we love Him? And how do we love other people? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Dannah Gresh, and Karen Ellis have answers…on Revive Our Hearts Weekend.

My Personal Petitions, Ep 5 of 10

It’s true that you have many opportunities to do the kind of boring, thankless work no one likes to do. Know what? That’s a great opportunity! You’re never more like Jesus than when you’re serving others. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you how to embrace this opportunity, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.

My Personal Petitions, Ep 4 of 10

Humility doesn’t come naturally to anyone. You have to let the Lord cultivate humility in you day by day. What if this were a year of more of Jesus and less of you? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you how to ask for this, on Revive Our Hearts.

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