Chapter 2: Hammy’s Great Worry
Jesus and the Kingdom Kids
"Chairman Benny called the meeting to order. 'We are the Kids of the Kingdom gang. We have met to dicuss more about what Jesus says about the people who belong to God's Kingdom. We all declare that we belong to the Kingdom, so it's important to see how we're measuring up. We will continue our discussion of two days ago..." Jesus' Sermon on the Mount is discussed by the eager children who heard it.
Chapter 1: The Gang’s First “Discussion”
Jesus and the Kingdom Kids
"Chairman Benny called the meeting to order. 'We are the Kids of the Kingdom gang. We have met to dicuss more about what Jesus says about the people who belong to God's Kingdom. We all declare that we belong to the Kingdom, so it's important to see how we're measuring up. We will continue our discussion of two days ago..." Jesus' Sermon on the Mount is discussed by the eager children who heard it.
Chapter 8: Our God is Good
Joshua and the Strange Plan for Battle
Joshua eventually went back to his tent with the Warrior's words still ringing in his ears. "I have come as the Commander of the Lord's army." Was Joshua taken aback? Wasn't he, Joshua, the leader of the Lord's army? As Joshua prayed that night, I imagine he said, "Thank you, Lord, for coming to lead your army." The Lord told Joshua what to do next. He must have - who else could have thought up such a strange way to conquer the city of Jericho?
Chapter 7: Teaching the Law of the Lord
Joshua and the Strange Plan for Battle
Joshua eventually went back to his tent with the Warrior's words still ringing in his ears. "I have come as the Commander of the Lord's army." Was Joshua taken aback? Wasn't he, Joshua, the leader of the Lord's army? As Joshua prayed that night, I imagine he said, "Thank you, Lord, for coming to lead your army." The Lord told Joshua what to do next. He must have - who else could have thought up such a strange way to conquer the city of Jericho?
Chapter 6: Victory at Last
Joshua and the Strange Plan for Battle
Joshua eventually went back to his tent with the Warrior's words still ringing in his ears. "I have come as the Commander of the Lord's army." Was Joshua taken aback? Wasn't he, Joshua, the leader of the Lord's army? As Joshua prayed that night, I imagine he said, "Thank you, Lord, for coming to lead your army." The Lord told Joshua what to do next. He must have - who else could have thought up such a strange way to conquer the city of Jericho?
Chapter 5: Sin in the Camp
Joshua and the Strange Plan for Battle
Joshua eventually went back to his tent with the Warrior's words still ringing in his ears. "I have come as the Commander of the Lord's army." Was Joshua taken aback? Wasn't he, Joshua, the leader of the Lord's army? As Joshua prayed that night, I imagine he said, "Thank you, Lord, for coming to lead your army." The Lord told Joshua what to do next. He must have - who else could have thought up such a strange way to conquer the city of Jericho?
Chapter 4: The Fall of Jericho
Joshua and the Strange Plan for Battle
Joshua eventually went back to his tent with the Warrior's words still ringing in his ears. "I have come as the Commander of the Lord's army." Was Joshua taken aback? Wasn't he, Joshua, the leader of the Lord's army? As Joshua prayed that night, I imagine he said, "Thank you, Lord, for coming to lead your army." The Lord told Joshua what to do next. He must have - who else could have thought up such a strange way to conquer the city of Jericho?
Chapter 3: Remembering God’s Blessing
Joshua and the Strange Plan for Battle
Joshua eventually went back to his tent with the Warrior's words still ringing in his ears. "I have come as the Commander of the Lord's army." Was Joshua taken aback? Wasn't he, Joshua, the leader of the Lord's army? As Joshua prayed that night, I imagine he said, "Thank you, Lord, for coming to lead your army." The Lord told Joshua what to do next. He must have - who else could have thought up such a strange way to conquer the city of Jericho?
Chapter 2: A Miracle at the River
Joshua and the Strange Plan for Battle
Joshua eventually went back to his tent with the Warrior's words still ringing in his ears. "I have come as the Commander of the Lord's army." Was Joshua taken aback? Wasn't he, Joshua, the leader of the Lord's army? As Joshua prayed that night, I imagine he said, "Thank you, Lord, for coming to lead your army." The Lord told Joshua what to do next. He must have - who else could have thought up such a strange way to conquer the city of Jericho?
Chapter 1: A Flooded River to Cross
Joshua and the Strange Plan for Battle
Joshua eventually went back to his tent with the Warrior's words still ringing in his ears. "I have come as the Commander of the Lord's army." Was Joshua taken aback? Wasn't he, Joshua, the leader of the Lord's army? As Joshua prayed that night, I imagine he said, "Thank you, Lord, for coming to lead your army." The Lord told Joshua what to do next. He must have - who else could have thought up such a strange way to conquer the city of Jericho?