Chapter 8: “A Baby! On a night like this!” & Chapter 9: Born in a Stable
Jesus the Baby
"A Baby!" On a night like this! With all this crowd of people about! Huh, huh, huh, goodness gracious me! All I've got is one of the stables at the back. I believe there's one at the end there pretty clean. That's all I've got, young fella. I'm sorry, but that's all. You're just lucky I didn't think of the stable earlier for some of the others. This is a mess, this census, and no mistake." So the innkeeper of Bethlehem thought - but God had the situation in His control.
The Blind Man Sees
The Blind Man Sees
Chapter 2: Esther Rescues Her People
Esther’s mind was made up. “Call together as many of our people as you can, and fast for me for three days…On the third day, I’ll go to speak to the King—and if I perish, I perish.” Did she perish?
Chapter 1: Esther Becomes Queen
Esther’s mind was made up. “Call together as many of our people as you can, and fast for me for three days…On the third day, I’ll go to speak to the King—and if I perish, I perish.” Did she perish?
Chapter 8: The Cost of a Lie
Peter, John and the Prison Mystery
"Peter pleaded and pleaded with the people to receive Jesus as their Lord and Messiah. " Save yourselves from the judgment that is coming on the sinful people of this day." Those who accepted Peter's message were baptized. And that day about three thousand were added to the number of disciples." But not all who heard Peter's message believed, or were happy to hear him say this.
Chapter 7: Barnabas and Alph
Peter, John and the Prison Mystery
"Peter pleaded and pleaded with the people to receive Jesus as their Lord and Messiah. " Save yourselves from the judgment that is coming on the sinful people of this day." Those who accepted Peter's message were baptized. And that day about three thousand were added to the number of disciples." But not all who heard Peter's message believed, or were happy to hear him say this.
Chapter 6: Warning from the Court
Peter, John and the Prison Mystery
"Peter pleaded and pleaded with the people to receive Jesus as their Lord and Messiah. " Save yourselves from the judgment that is coming on the sinful people of this day." Those who accepted Peter's message were baptized. And that day about three thousand were added to the number of disciples." But not all who heard Peter's message believed, or were happy to hear him say this.
Chapter 5: Miracle at the Gate
Peter, John and the Prison Mystery
"Peter pleaded and pleaded with the people to receive Jesus as their Lord and Messiah. " Save yourselves from the judgment that is coming on the sinful people of this day." Those who accepted Peter's message were baptized. And that day about three thousand were added to the number of disciples." But not all who heard Peter's message believed, or were happy to hear him say this.
Chapter 4: What a Day!
Peter, John and the Prison Mystery
"Peter pleaded and pleaded with the people to receive Jesus as their Lord and Messiah. " Save yourselves from the judgment that is coming on the sinful people of this day." Those who accepted Peter's message were baptized. And that day about three thousand were added to the number of disciples." But not all who heard Peter's message believed, or were happy to hear him say this.
Chapter 3: A Promise Kept
Peter, John and the Prison Mystery
"Peter pleaded and pleaded with the people to receive Jesus as their Lord and Messiah. " Save yourselves from the judgment that is coming on the sinful people of this day." Those who accepted Peter's message were baptized. And that day about three thousand were added to the number of disciples." But not all who heard Peter's message believed, or were happy to hear him say this.