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Chapter 3: Excitement at the Docks

Paul Silas and the News from Afar
“ ‘If those preachers go down by the riverside, they’ll meet the Lady Lydia, my purple dye client, down there,’ Diotrephes said. ‘She’s bound to be interested in what they preach. But they’d better be careful in Philippi. It’s a Roman colony!’ ” The gospel comes to Greece—and it’s messengers are given rough treatment.

Chapter 2: Stephanas and Son

Paul Silas and the News from Afar
“ ‘If those preachers go down by the riverside, they’ll meet the Lady Lydia, my purple dye client, down there,’ Diotrephes said. ‘She’s bound to be interested in what they preach. But they’d better be careful in Philippi. It’s a Roman colony!’ ” The gospel comes to Greece—and it’s messengers are given rough treatment.

Chapter 1: The Tentmakers from Rome

Paul Silas and the News from Afar
“ ‘If those preachers go down by the riverside, they’ll meet the Lady Lydia, my purple dye client, down there,’ Diotrephes said. ‘She’s bound to be interested in what they preach. But they’d better be careful in Philippi. It’s a Roman colony!’ ” The gospel comes to Greece—and it’s messengers are given rough treatment.

Chapter 7: The Scroll of Isaiah

Come Meet Mr DSS Isaiah Again
"Join Mrs. G and her young friends Harry and Hillary on a visit to Israel. Meet Mr. D.S.S. Isaiah, now mounted in his own elegant museum in Jerusalem, equipped with his personal air-raid shelter. Visit the Qumran cave at the Dead Sea where he lay hidden in a clay pot for two thousand years. Follow his narrow escapes - from the goatherd who found him in 1947 and thought he'd make good sandals starps, to the shell fire in the streets of Jerusalem - until his final identification as the oldest complete version of Isaiah, that is in our Bible today.

Chapter 6: A Great Discovery

Come Meet Mr DSS Isaiah Again
"Join Mrs. G and her young friends Harry and Hillary on a visit to Israel. Meet Mr. D.S.S. Isaiah, now mounted in his own elegant museum in Jerusalem, equipped with his personal air-raid shelter. Visit the Qumran cave at the Dead Sea where he lay hidden in a clay pot for two thousand years. Follow his narrow escapes - from the goatherd who found him in 1947 and thought he'd make good sandals starps, to the shell fire in the streets of Jerusalem - until his final identification as the oldest complete version of Isaiah, that is in our Bible today.

Chapter 5: Operation Identification

Come Meet Mr DSS Isaiah Again
"Join Mrs. G and her young friends Harry and Hillary on a visit to Israel. Meet Mr. D.S.S. Isaiah, now mounted in his own elegant museum in Jerusalem, equipped with his personal air-raid shelter. Visit the Qumran cave at the Dead Sea where he lay hidden in a clay pot for two thousand years. Follow his narrow escapes - from the goatherd who found him in 1947 and thought he'd make good sandals starps, to the shell fire in the streets of Jerusalem - until his final identification as the oldest complete version of Isaiah, that is in our Bible today.

Chapter 4: A Narrow Escape

Come Meet Mr DSS Isaiah Again
"Join Mrs. G and her young friends Harry and Hillary on a visit to Israel. Meet Mr. D.S.S. Isaiah, now mounted in his own elegant museum in Jerusalem, equipped with his personal air-raid shelter. Visit the Qumran cave at the Dead Sea where he lay hidden in a clay pot for two thousand years. Follow his narrow escapes - from the goatherd who found him in 1947 and thought he'd make good sandals starps, to the shell fire in the streets of Jerusalem - until his final identification as the oldest complete version of Isaiah, that is in our Bible today.

Chapter 3: Kando the Cobbler

Come Meet Mr DSS Isaiah Again
"Join Mrs. G and her young friends Harry and Hillary on a visit to Israel. Meet Mr. D.S.S. Isaiah, now mounted in his own elegant museum in Jerusalem, equipped with his personal air-raid shelter. Visit the Qumran cave at the Dead Sea where he lay hidden in a clay pot for two thousand years. Follow his narrow escapes - from the goatherd who found him in 1947 and thought he'd make good sandals starps, to the shell fire in the streets of Jerusalem - until his final identification as the oldest complete version of Isaiah, that is in our Bible today.

Chapter 2: God Preserves His Word

Come Meet Mr DSS Isaiah Again
"Join Mrs. G and her young friends Harry and Hillary on a visit to Israel. Meet Mr. D.S.S. Isaiah, now mounted in his own elegant museum in Jerusalem, equipped with his personal air-raid shelter. Visit the Qumran cave at the Dead Sea where he lay hidden in a clay pot for two thousand years. Follow his narrow escapes - from the goatherd who found him in 1947 and thought he'd make good sandals starps, to the shell fire in the streets of Jerusalem - until his final identification as the oldest complete version of Isaiah, that is in our Bible today.

Chapter 1: Life in a Kibbutz

Come Meet Mr DSS Isaiah Again
"Join Mrs. G and her young friends Harry and Hillary on a visit to Israel. Meet Mr. D.S.S. Isaiah, now mounted in his own elegant museum in Jerusalem, equipped with his personal air-raid shelter. Visit the Qumran cave at the Dead Sea where he lay hidden in a clay pot for two thousand years. Follow his narrow escapes - from the goatherd who found him in 1947 and thought he'd make good sandals starps, to the shell fire in the streets of Jerusalem - until his final identification as the oldest complete version of Isaiah, that is in our Bible today.

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