The Biggest Loser - Pt 1

Pastor Jeff Schreve takes a deeper look at the importance of loving God and loving others - the greatest commandments.

Tongues and the Sign Gifts - Pt 2

Pastor Jeff Schreve takes you on a comprehensive look at spiritual gifts.

Tongues and the Sign Gifts - Pt 1

Pastor Jeff Schreve takes you on a comprehensive look at spiritual gifts.

What is Your Gift? - Pt 2

Pastor Jeff Schreve takes you on a comprehensive look at spiritual gifts.

What is Your Gift? - Pt 1

Pastor Jeff Schreve takes you on a comprehensive look at spiritual gifts. Do you know what your gift is?

Gifted for Service - Pt 2

Pastor Jeff Schreve takes you on a comprehensive look at spiritual gifts.

Gifted for Service - Pt 1

Pastor Jeff Schreve takes you on a comprehensive look at spiritual gifts. Do you know yours? How are you using it?

The Church and the Gates of Hell - PT 2

Pastor Jeff Schreve boldly shares biblical, politically incorrect truths to help us stand on the Lord's strong and solid foundation.

The Church and the Gates of Hell - PT 1

Pastor Jeff Schreve boldly shares biblical, politically incorrect truths to help us stand on the Lord's strong and solid foundation.

God, Government and Christians - Pt 2

Pastor Jeff Schreve boldly shares biblical, politically incorrect truths to help us stand on the Lord's strong and solid foundation.

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