Addressing Domestic Abuse
The statistics show that there are men in the church, men who call themselves Christians, that are abusing their wives. Don't be scared to call them out in love, they need to get help. We as brother and sisters in Christ should be there for one another in the good and the bad. It's real and it's happening in churches across America. Don't shy away from it, but bring the sin to light.
Understanding Divorce
Have you ever wondered when divorce is permissible? Listen to Pastor Jeff as he unpacks when and what scenarios make divorce allowed without it being sinful to do so.
Jesus and the Man Born Blind
In John 9, Jesus restores physical sight to a man who was blind since birth. He was born physically blind, but this divine encounter is a reminder to all of us that everyone is born spiritually blind. This story serves as a beautiful picture of what happens when a sinner comes to Christ. In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares three life-changing results that take place when the Lord opens our eyes. John 9:1-41
Jesus and Conditional Disciples
Is it possible to follow the Lord on our terms? No! We follow on His terms, or we don’t follow at all. In Luke 9, Jesus encounters three would-be disciples who wanted to add their own conditions to following Him. In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares three insights from these encounters. Discover how you can never go wrong trusting Jesus and following Him with your whole heart! Luke 9:57-62
Trust Jesus Today!
Are you ready to commit your life to following Christ, trusting Him with it? Say this prayer with Pastor Jeff and let us know in the comments or email us by going to the "Contact Us" page on our website! We would love to pray for you and celebrate new life in Christ!
The Key to Spiritual Renewal
What is the key to having your faith renewed? One word: Repentance. #faith #Christianlife #Jesussaves #truth
Jesus and the Unclean Woman
Whether it’s physical sickness, emotional sickness or spiritual sickness, we can all relate to the need for divine healing. In Mark chapter 5, we are introduced to the woman with the issue of blood. Her encounter with Jesus was life-changing. We can learn so much from her step of faith. In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares three discoveries about this woman and how no matter how we feel, or what we are going through, we are never forgotten or unseen by our Heavenly Father. Mark 5:21-34
Why Every Christian Needs to be a Part of the Local Church
Jesus died for the church! His death wasn't pointless and we as a church have purpose! Listen to Pastor Jeff explain the importance of why every Christian needs to be a part of the local church.
Jesus and the People of Nazareth
In many of the accounts in the gospels, whenever people would encounter Jesus, there would be healing, deliverance, salvation and transformation. But sometimes there would be vehement rejection—and that’s what happened to Jesus in His hometown of Nazareth. In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares three insights as to why people get so enraged by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Luke 4:14-30
Heaven's Gates
Have you ever wondered what happens when you get into Heaven? Have you ever wondered if you are welcomed, invited, or chosen to be in Heaven? These are all valid questions! Listen as Pastor Jeff talks about Heaven.