Destiny Yarbrough and MK Henderson
Ministry Leader, Speaker, and Magazine Publisher, Destiny Yarbrough will tell her story about being married to a drug addict, and how she survived that time in her life. MK Henderson, author, media professional and former network producer, tells her story of growing up in an impoverished and difficult childhood and will also share how she overcame a serious childhood illness to go onto become an advocate for women, helping those who might still be single.
Shannon Dion
Shannon Dion shares her tragic yet inspirational journey through the recent discovery of her mother’s murder. But from this overwhelming loss has come a vital organization to protect the elderly:
Adam Soto and Brooke Carreker
Real Estate Developer Adam Soto grew up in a Christian home but will share how his life was altered by the unexpected divorce of his parents. However, he will also share how a trip around the world and a special relationship re-shaped his current life.
Joann Hummel
“I remember thinking, at 11 years old, ‘Does my mom not even remember who I am?.’” JoAnn Hummel tells the powerful story of how God graciously guided her through the pain and challenge of mental illness. Her life’s purpose is to use these experiences in sharing the sincere love of Jesus with each person she encounters.
Dr. Everett Piper, Ann White and Wayne Faust
Charley Kilman and Michele McArthur
Michele McArthur was a young, successful woman, in the prime of her life. But then a grim diagnosis suddenly rocked her world. Her story speaks of God's miraculous healing through His word, His people and Nature. And Charley Kilman had a charmed life: loving childhood, good grades, good job. But something was missing. Today Charley shares with us the missing piece and how it changed his life.
Anna LeBaron
In this show, the Award-Winning Author of "The Polygamist," Anna LeBaron, will share her story about growing up as the daughter of a polygamist. She will share about the struggles she experienced in this environment, how she barely knew her dad, and will provide details of how she escaped the cult.
Virginia Prodan
“I am here to kill you.” Those were the frightening words Virginia Prodan heard one night, as she became a target, living in Communist Romania.
Erin and Richard Kerry
Erin and Richard Kelly will discuss their challenges in life that include overcoming the anger of parental abandonment and mental illness. Listen to how each of them recovered from these issues through the strength of God in their lives.
Jen Gotzon and Richard Blackaby
Known as, “The Darling of Faith-Based Films”, Jenn Gotzon has experienced both triumphs and tragedies in life. Listen as she shares her amazing journey with Jesus. AND Blackaby has been a household name in most Christian circles, ever since the vastly popular Bible Study, “Experiencing God.” Listen as Richard (son of Henry), shares what it was like, growing up as a Blackaby, and how the Lord continues to guide his family in ministry.