My360 Helper


This program is part of a series in which Ron Hughes is exploring the life and teaching of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of Mark. We don’t have to read far into the accounts of Jesus’ ministry to discover that people responded to Him in very different ways, we’ve already seen several. Today’s passage focusses on an incident in Jesus’ l

Beyond the Tomb

This is the final program of 23 in our Gospel of Mark series in which we have studied highlights of the life of Jesus.


Authority and Baptism

As a Little Child

A Friend for Sinners

Today with Ron Hughes in our study of the book of Mark we’ll meet a particularly important group of people—the Pharisees. These people were the main opposition to Jesus during His life. Much later, we’ll see the defining role they played in the completion of His ministry. Today, though, in our first encounter with them, they are just asking q

Who's Fault is It

Facing Injustice

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