Shelter and Rest
Psalms 91:1
Searching for Purpose
Are you searching for real purpose in life?
Do You Need Rest?
Are you tired and weary? Do you need to sit a spell and rest?
Every Part of You!
Do you realize you are not an accident?
Are You Longing for More?
If you feel thirsty for meaning in life, for purpose in life, Andrew Palau has words for your encouragement today in this edition of "Hope with God".
God Sees You!
Whether you are aware of it or not, God sees you, the inner places of your heart.
"That Means You!"
Did you know you are included in the Bible?
A Book, a Knife, a Meal
How is the Bible more than just a book, but also a knife and also a meal?
Meet the Author
Who wrote the Bible?
Not Just a Book
Do you realize yet that the Bible is not just a book?
You Are Invited
What is the point of the Bible?