Quieting Yourself before God
Philippians 4:6-7
God is a Rock
What does it really mean when God is referred to as a "rock"?
Is Peace Attainable?
My life will calm down when . . .
God is Living Water
Do you know Jesus' promise to you?
God's Message of Peace on Earth is Yours
Do you have deep peace in your heart? Do you want to?
You are the Evangelist
are you active in sharing your faith in Jesus Christ? This season is a great time to share about Him.
God is a Father
A father protects and provides, doesn't abandon those in his care. Did you know that God is a father to those who follow Him?
The Shepherds
Although they didn't know much, and couldn't give a great explanation, they told others what they saw and experienced about a baby. Who?
God is Consistent
Even though they were told they would fall away, they still fell away. But Jesus . . .
The Star
How was creation pointing people to the Savior?
God Knew the Cross was His Destiny
Did you know that Jesus predicted His own death?