Who art in Heaven

We believe in the NAME of the Lord because it represents all that He is - His character and nature - and the honor due Him for it. No one can come to God, the Father, except by believing that Jesus died and rose from the dead to pay the penalty for our sin. We don’t even have faith enough to believe on our own. Jesus, the author of faith, gives it to us if we are but WILLING to believe and ask Him for it. As we continue our study of the model prayer, we’ll look into why Jesus said we should acknowledge where God resides when we speak with Him.

Who art in Heaven

Our Father?

We’ve been studying the Model Prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray and focusing in on why we address God as Father. The word ‘Father’, is defined as nourisher, protector, and upholder. God, our Father, is all that, and more, to us - His children. But, are we ALL God’s children? Does everyone have the right to call Him, Father? This is the topic of this program. Be prepared to write down all the Scripture references as you listen. You’ll want to review them afterward.

Our Father

Though there are requirements for proper prayer, keep in mind, that as a Believer in Christ, we are free to come to God and bear our soul because though He is our Maker and King, He is also our FATHER. Prayer is a conversation between two people who love one another – between two hearts united in one through Christ. Before we begin our study, let’s listen to a song about how awesome it is to be a child of the King of Kings.

Overview of the Lord's Prayer

In Hebrews 1 verse 2 says 'In the past, God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us by HIS SON, whom He appointed heir of all things and through whom He made the universe.' It’s clear through this verse that if we really desire to know God NOWADAYS, we need to learn how to communicate with Him through studying the words of Jesus, His Son. Jesus’ instruction to His disciples, commonly referred to as ‘The Lord’s prayer’, is a simplistic model, which contains all the essential elements for an effective prayer. Over the next several programs, we’ll delve into each phrase, explore its meaning and see how it relates to us today.

Are You Following?

When I was a little girl I played ‘follow the leader’. In this game you have to do exactly what the leader does or you’re out of the game. While this was just a childish game, Jesus’ command to follow ‘Him’ is no game – it’s serious business - so serious, it has eternal ramifications. Listen to this edition of "Grace Notes" to find out what they are.

He's One in a Million!

"My husband Dale & I have met some seniors who are busy serving the Lord – collecting & distributing food, stuffing evangelistic mailers and even ministering in nursing homes. But . . ."

Who is this Man?

Who is this Jesus, who said, “Foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests – but the Son of man has no where to lay His head. In a world made by Him – He had no place to call His home.

The Hand that Brought Us Peace

"Our hands are an ever present agent of skill. They aid us in our work and play. They protect us. They reflect our emotions. We speak mounds of words through our gestures. Yes, hands are an important part of what we do and who we are. No wonder the word “HAND’ is . . ."


If you were wondering if a particular person loved you, what would you look for? Barbara Sandbek has been sharing on the subject 'Intimacy with God' for the past few months. This program concludes this series as she identifies how we can truly show God we love him.

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