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The Refiner's Fire

God often uses illustrations to help us better understand His truths. On this Grace Notes program, Barbara Sandbek begins a new series entitled ‘Why trials?’. She’ll take us through a detailed description of the refining process and show how God uses fiery trials to mold our character. So listen in as Barbara addresses the topic, ‘The Refiner’s Fire’.

Watch and Pray

In times of distress we often quote Romans 8:28 which says that all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose. But often this verse offers little consolation when WE can’t figure out how it could possibly be beneficial. On our program today, our host, Barbara Sandbek shares just such a situation and shows us that there ARE lessons to be learned if we look for them.

How to Succeed at Your Job - Pt 2

As Believers in Jesus, our most important job IN LIFE is to serve as an ambassador – to represent Christ well in word and deed. This is effectively done as we yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Our objective is to tell everyone how they can be reconciled to God through Christ. Doing our job well pleases our Heavenly Father. We work, not to earn our salvation – Jesus did that for us – but rather to prove that we believe what we say we believe. Several things displease God – worry, fear, unbelief, disobedience. These all point to a lack of FAITH or TRUST. As we conclude our series let’s again look at why faith is such an important job requirement.

How to Please your Boss - Pt 3

On our last program, we examined the faith of the Israelites when they crossed the Red Sea and likened it to the decision we have to make to either step out for Christ - or live for the world. Having looked at an example of demonstrated faith, we’ll now move on to review several situations where this wasn’t the case. We pray that from these studies you’ll be better able to see how well you are fairing out in the faith area.

How to Please your Boss - Pt 2

We hope you’ve been enjoying our current series, ‘How to succeed at the most important job of your life’. So far, we’ve defined the job and the qualifications and then centered in on ‘how to please our boss’. The key to pleasing our spiritual boss, God, is by having faith in Him. We prove our faith by what we do. Since illustrations make the best teachers, we’ll first take a look at some Biblical examples of people who pleased God because of their faith.

How to Please your Boss - Pt 1

In taking on any new job, we naturally ask a lot of questions. But consider this - do we ever think about what it will take to please our boss? This is our topic for today’s program.

How to Succeed at Your Job - Pt 1

What are some of the questions we might ask when offered a job? One of the first ones might be - am I qualified? Another is – will I enjoy the work and the location? How about – will I like the boss and the people I have to work with? What about the pay? Taking on a new job can be a life-changing experience. With this in mind – let’s take you to our host Barbara Sandbek who will expound our topic.

Peace with Others

We’ve been studying about Peace – peace with God and peace within ourselves. Today, our host Barbara Sandbek will center on keeping peace with each other. Listen as this may be just what you need to hear.

How to Gain Peace

We’ve been studying about peace. So far we’ve discussed how we can have peace with God and peace within ourselves. Our host Barbara Sandbek concluded our last program by saying that in order to have peace within ourselves, we need to focus on Jesus. But how do we do that? Listen and find out.

Peace with God

Because we’ve sinned against God, our relationship with the Author of peace is severed. But God provided the way for restoration to occur through the sacrificial gift of His son, Jesus, the Prince of Peace. He died and rose again to pay the penalty for our sin. By accepting Him as our Savior, we are at PEACE WITH GOD. On our program today, our host, Barbara Sandbek, will tell us how we can be at peace with ourselves.

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