When You Make A Selfish Choice - Part 1

When David admitted his sin to God, he found joy in salvation, free from guilt.

When You Make A Foolish Vow - Part 4

God honors those who keep their commitments.

When You Make A Foolish Vow - Part 3

God honors those who keep their commitments.

When You Make A Foolish Vow - Part 2

God honors those who keep their commitments.

When You Make A Foolish Vow - Part 1

God honors those who keep their commitments.

When You Choose The Second Best - Part 3

When we make bad decisions, we often sacrifice the permanent on the altar of the immediate.

When You Choose The Second Best - Part 2

When we make bad decisions, we often sacrifice the permanent on the altar of the immediate.

When You Choose The Second Best - Part 1

When we make bad decisions, we often sacrifice the permanent on the altar of the immediate.

The Worst Decision Ever Made - Part 4

Adam and Eve’s choice has had more consequences than any other decision in history.

The Worst Decision Ever Made - Part 3

Adam and Eve’s choice has had more consequences than any other decision in history.

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