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Dr. Richard Foster - Celebration of Discipline

How much do you know about the importance of Christian disciplines? How important are they? Today, Denny Milgate has "A Firsthand Conversation with" Dr. Richard Foster about Dr. Foster's book "Celebration of Discipline".

John Wesley White - What Does It Mean to be Born Again?

Why would someone want to be born again? What does it mean to be born again? Denny Milgate has "A Firsthand Conversation with" John Wesley White in order to get answers to these questions and more.

Jeb Stuart Magruder - From Power to Peace

Jeb Stuart Magruder, a real life crook in the government and deceiver of the American people is the man that Denny Milgate has "A Firsthand Conversation with" today. Prison reform and other topics are brought out along with great solutions.

R.C. Sproul - In Search of Dignity

Dignity - what is it? Who needs it? The answers may surprise you as Denny Milgate has "A Firsthand Conversation with" R.C. Sproul author of "In Search of Dignity". This interview was recorded decades ago, but is still needed today.

Dr. Chuck Swindoll Shares on Serving

How would you describe a good Christian servant? How do we keep from being over-involved in meeting other's needs? "I am a lot better at giving than receiving." Denny Milgate has "a Firsthand Conversation with" Dr. Chuck Swindoll, author of "Improving Your Serve".

Elizabeth Skoglund - Growing By Rejection

How do you cope with rejection? Rejections happen to each person, so how should you handle it when it happens to you? Denny Milgate has "A Firsthand Conversation with" Elizabeth Skoglund in today's airing of an interview recorded many years ago.

Gary Friesen - Decision Making and the Will of God

"How can I know God's will?" may be the wrong question. How do you make decisions? Denny Milgate has "A Firsthand Conversation with " Gary Friiesen who wrote "Decision Making and the Will of God".

John Perkins - Let Justice Roll Down

What does a civil rights activist from years ago have to say to you today? Denny Milgate has "A Firsthand Conversation with" John Perkins who has advice for the evangelical church for moving forward. How do you show you are concerned about the needs of those near you?

Gordon MacDonald-The Effective Father

What are the biblical principles which help a man become an effective father? Denny Milgate has "a Firsthand Conversation with" Gordon MacDonald on this topic and book.

Roy Hessions - The Calvary Road

What is "revival"? Over 40 years ago, "The Calvary Road" sold over 1 million copies, and still impacts people today. Denny Milgate has "A Firsthand Conversation with" Roy Hessions where they discuss revival.

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