Special Message from Jordan Whitmer -- December 2021
Jordan Whitmer, Founder and CEO of HowToLife Movement, shares a powerful and encouraging update about all that God is doing to rescue, disciple, and mobilize Gen Z for Christ around the world. For more information, or to donate, visit: https://www.howtolifemovement.com/
"The Mission and Urgency to Reach Gen Z for Jesus" -- Jordan Whitmer with Ron Hutchcraft
Ron Hutchcraft interviews his oldest grandson, Jordan Whitmer, about the urgency for reaching Gen Z with the Good News of Jesus. Ron Hutchcraft is national author, speaker, radio host, and veteran Christian ministry leader. Jordan is Founder and CEO of HowToLife Movement. HowToLifeMovement.com
Join Us for the HowToLife Movement Gen Z Ministry Initiative!
You are invited to the Gen Z Ministry Initiative Virtual Banquet. VISIT https://www.howtolifemovement.com/virtual-banquet to RSVP RIGHT NOW! Hear from Gen Z Leaders about reaching, discipling, and mobilizing Gen Z for Christ! Available three nights: October 4, 5, or 7, all starting at 8:30 ET / 7:30 CT / 6:30 MT / 5:30 PT. Parents, grandparents, church leaders, and caring adults -- When it comes to faith, are you concerned about your kids and grandkids? Today, only 4% of Gen Z has a biblical worldview. According to a recent study from Barna, Gen Z is the “least Christian Generation in American History.” This breaks our hearts. We must do something about this. The future of the church is at stake. You are invited to join us for a powerful, one-hour, multi-generational gathering by way of Zoom. We’re calling this: GEN Z MINISTRY INITIATIVE – VIRITUAL BANQUET Choose from one of three convenient nights -- October 4, 5, or 7, all starting at 8:30 ET / 7:30 CT / 6:30 MT / 5:30 PT. Each night is only one hour long. Tickets are FREE! You’ll hear hear directly from passionate Gen Z Leaders who are determined to see an awakening of faith among this generation. You’ll hear from: Jordan Whitmer, Gen Z Ministry leader, and Founder and CEO of HowToLife Movement Plus, many Gen Z Leaders, including leading Gen Z content creators, and more. By participating in this Zoom call, you will… -- Hear from Gen Z leaders about the urgency of to rescue, disciple, and mobilize this generation NOW for Jesus. -- The incredible impact of what God is currently doing through these Gen Z leaders. -- How you, your church, or your business can help support this growing international Gen Z movement. We are looking to generate support from caring adults, to help make possible: -- 30 high quality, HowToLife student-led outreach events, across the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom -- impacting thousands of Gen Z young people with the hope of Jesus. -- The second annual HowToLife Movement “Z Conference.” Last year’s event impacted 1,000 young people in 40 nations of the world! -- The 5th annual HowToLife Movement International Leadership Retreat. -- Digital Media content to rescue and disciple Gen Z young people around the world. RSVP now for the GEN Z MINISTRY INITIATIVE VIRTUAL BANQUET today! Get your free ticket right here. VISIT https://www.howtolifemovement.com/virtual-banquet to RSVP RIGHT NOW! See you soon, and God bless you! Jordan Whitmer Founder / C.E.O., HowToLife Movement TERMS & CONDITIONS Tickets are free. Please join us for one of these three exciting evenings, October 4, 5, or 7. Link to the Zoom call comes when you RSVP and secure your free ticket!
Waking Up From a False Mentality — David Latting
David Latting shares a powerful message at HowToLife Des Moines, Iowa. Are you interested in bringing the HowToLife Movement to your area and/or doing something to reach Gen Z for Christ in your area? REACH OUT to us! Send us a DM us on Instagram or email info@howtolifemovement.com . ********** SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtolifemovement/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtolifemovement/ Website: https//www.howtolifemovement.com/
Gospel Presentation — Jordan Whitmer
Jordan Whitmer shares the Gospel and an invitation at HowToLife Des Moines, Iowa. Are you interested in bringing the HowToLife Movement to your area and/or doing something to reach Gen Z for Christ in your area? REACH OUT to us! Send us a DM us on Instagram or email info@howtolifemovement.com . ********** SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtolifemovement/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtolifemovement/ Website: https//www.howtolifemovement.com/
HowToLife National Leadership Retreat Recap
In June 2021, 50 Gen Z leaders from 21 U.S. states plus Mexico gathered in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Pulse Movement HQ to learn and meet about fulfilling the Great Commission in our generation. We want to REACH, DISCIPLE, and MOBILIZE our generation for Christ! May EVERY TRIBE and NATION be reached! Watch this recap video about all that God did through this amazing weekend! Are you interested in bringing the HowToLife Movement to your area and/or doing something to reach Gen Z for Christ in your area? REACH OUT to us! Send us a DM us on Instagram or email info@howtolifemovement.com . Video credit: Seoul Centered Films ********** SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtolifemovement/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtolifemovement/ Website: https//www.howtolifemovement.com/
Is Revival Coming to Gen Z??
“PRAYING FOR REVIVAL LIKE IT’S 1740!” Centuries ago, God moved powerfully in New England. It started with the Puritans in the 1600s, followed by George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards during the First Great Awakening of the 1700s. In the 1800s, it was the birthplace and ministry base of great evangelist D.L. Moody. And it became the launchpad of John R. Mott and the Student Volunteer Movement that sent thousands of missionaries around the world for Christ! God put it on the heart of HowToLife Movement Founder and C.E.O. Jordan Whitmer to take a small group of Gen Z ministry leaders to experience this history. Jesus says in Matthew 9:37-38 ESV, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." May this be our prayer. Time is short. The nations need Jesus. May we GO! May we set our sights high, knowing that the Lord can do more than we can ever ask or imagine! Enjoy and be challenged by these highlights from this trip. May we see God move like this again in THIS generation! Video credit: Richard Kelly ********** SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtolifemovement/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtolifemovement/ Website: https//www.howtolifemovement.com/
HowToLife UPDATE from Jordan Whitmer. December 2020
Jordan Whitmer provides an update on HowToLife Movement, with a special matching gift opportunity! https://give.idonate.com/howtolife-movement/yearend-2020
Stevo Thompson -- "HowToLife Anthem" Lyric Video
"We gonna show you HOW TO LIFE!" HowToLife is a movement of Generation Z reaching our generation for Christ! With over 85 events across 20 U.S. states and 5 countries, we want to see the teens and youth of this world find Jesus! Want to learn more? DM / MESSAGE us on Instagram or at HowToLifeMovement.com ! © HowToLife Movement and Stevo Thompson Video credit: Reid Rasnic ********** SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=ty_Dy_4D8vo&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGZ1d3k5VmF1TmxiV0xYSjI1Sk01SXRBdm1UQXxBQ3Jtc0trSWlNRHVXazN5QWVsRXkwS2Q3N0VvTWJmenFJSnZORHd0QWNHX1Q0LXBpTmlYUW11a2pPa3Q5ZE8zcVJiTkRjWlFGc3JaYU9SVlg5ZThESU1ZRDFEdFp0ME4tSUpncE16U0oyd1ZVSHRaMjJtUnUwcw%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fhowtolifemovement%2F Facebook: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=ty_Dy_4D8vo&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0gzNzBhdVhVcGw0c0RiMGhMeFNlRF84QUh4UXxBQ3Jtc0tsQXYxZ3dseVdacG9VVGpIZUZzeG5nWW1EWkNjd0w0dlhZWjZ1dWw2UFdYVEVKTWVwWDVWdHFGYzRUdGs1bHpIN0pqb3FFNlFUU3NFYVZYdFlleklHdW5YbmN5VUFNb09zdXhZT2REQ25YelI4cVFUdw%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fhowtolifemovement%2F Website: https://www.howtolifemovement.com/ Download the HowToLife Movement® App, now available! App Store: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=ty_Dy_4D8vo&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUxXdkQxcmc2X3d3WmJkbEJ3clZ1OHIzLXlvUXxBQ3Jtc0ttNktUMUpGVzlrVFllN0wwcEJ0SjJRLVRWWDNlbFdxYl9tSU9uZkJWZXBKejhseUlqTUIyM1VIeVR1S21xRjhOdnJ0bDlZUThmSEc3VVhkclhnMlAyQVRLTVp1OWg2b3dNVGNFb2lOeTE0am1UeFk1QQ%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fapps.apple.com%2Fus%2Fapp%2Fhowtolife-movement%2Fid1504055323 Google Play: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=ty_Dy_4D8vo&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbS04YV9yeXZBNDI2Mm1uWDktYUtvbjVpdXY3UXxBQ3Jtc0tsbEx5Nk9OczgtVHFOeVZxZlMyVDZGUWl5aWtSQmR6VTFVQzhDNDNJUENsOVJsOFBNSFNkNVdTN25VUGVCWW9DcGxQZC1tOFliV2p6am1JR3JmaHlXV1ZpRFI5OUxZVGFSNEpmcERDYkZUWVp5TWFjTQ%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fplay.google.com%2Fstore%2Fapps%2Fdetails%3Fid%3Dcom.goodbarber.howtolifeapp #HowToLife #StudentsReachingStudents #GenerationZ #Jesus
ZCONF Promo 2020
December 4 - 6. Visit TheZConf.com for tickets and more information. The Z Conference is a completely Gen Z led digital Christian youth conference, put on exclusively by high school and university aged young people (ages 15-23) from around the United States and the world. At the Z Conference, you will hear directly from leading Gen Z Christian voices and influencers from across the U.S. and around the world. Brought to you by HowToLife Movement, and more.