My360 Helper

The Woman Who Wept at His Feet

Jesus has gone to the house of Simon the Pharisee, but upon his entrance he is insulted by not being given water for his feet, a customary kiss of greeting, and anointing oil for his head. A woman in the crowd watching the lunch is appalled by this public insult and takes matters into her own hands to give the honor to Jesus that he deserves.

The Woman Who Wept at His Feet

Jesus has gone to the house of Simon the Pharisee, but upon his entrance he is insulted by not being given water for his feet, a customary kiss of greeting, and anointing oil for his head. A woman in the crowd watching the lunch is appalled by this public insult and takes matters into her own hands to give the honor to Jesus that he deserves.

Doubt in the Dungeons of Herod

John the Prophet has been locked in the prison of Herod Antipas in the fortress of Macherus by the Dead Sea. After months of imprisonment and no word from the Messiah and no evidence of the gift of the Spirit, he sends two of his disciples to Jesus with the question, "Are you really the One, or should we look for another?" When the two arrive in Galilee, Jesus gives them an answer they will never forget!

Doubt in the Dungeons of Herod

John the Prophet has been locked in the prison of Herod Antipas in the fortress of Macherus by the Dead Sea. After months of imprisonment and no word from the Messiah and no evidence of the gift of the Spirit, he sends two of his disciples to Jesus with the question, "Are you really the One, or should we look for another?" When the two arrive in Galilee, Jesus gives them an answer they will never forget!

The Centurion's Servant and the Widow's Son

Anger and bitterness – these are the emotions that fill nations who are occupied by foreign armies, by those who rule over them. But sometimes, in the midst of such conflict, relationships begin that overcome the hurt and anger. Masks come off and the humanity on both sides of the conflict emerges.Such is the case with the story of the centurion and his servant.

All Night in Prayer

The Pharisees have gathered to plot against Jesus and Jesus has withdrawn to the hills with his disciples. While they sleep, Jesus spends the whole night in prayer. The direction he receives that night in prayer will change the world.

All Night in Prayer

The Pharisees have gathered to plot against Jesus and Jesus has withdrawn to the hills with his disciples. While they sleep, Jesus spends the whole night in prayer. The direction he receives that night in prayer will change the world.

The Man with the Withered Hand

Jesus and his disciples enter a synagogue after a morning of controversy with Pharisees about plucking grain on the Sabbath. But the controversy is only starting. A man with a withered hand is in attendance that day. The Pharisees want to know if the Law allows healing on the Sabbath. Jesus tells the man to come forward and then asks some piercing questions.

Rise Up and Walk

A man, paralyzed for 38 years meets a man who tells him "rise up and walk." But when he is healed and starts home with his bedroll under his arm, the religious leaders throw a fit because he has broken the Sabbath rules. When they find out that Jesus is the one who told him to take up his bed on the Sabbath, they go on the attack against Jesus.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Jesus meet Matthew the tax-collector and asks him to follow Him. Matthew has Jesus over to his home as his honored guest where other tax-collectors and sinners gather to meet him. Everything is going well until scribes, Pharisees, and disciples of John ask hard questions of Jesus at the dinner.

The Leper and the Paralyzed Man

Defying the ordinance that lepers are to remain outside the city gates, a leper runs to Jesus and asks if He will heal him. The leper has broken the law, but what does Jesus do? On another day Jesus is teaching to a packed house. Four men try to bring their paralyzed friend to Jesus, but they can't get to Him because of the crowds, until they come up with a clever idea.

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