My360 Helper

ORIGIN - The Amoeba's Journey

In this whimsical illustration, the impossible odds that a simple protein molecule could have formed purely by chance on the primordial Earth are brilliantly illustrated. The DVD is available for purchase now - visit for more information.

ORIGIN - Life From Outer Space?

Desperate attempts to validate a purely materialistic theory for the origin of life on Earth have led some scientists to expand their search throughout our galaxy and beyond. The DVD is available for purchase now - visit for more information.

ORIGIN - How to Build a Cell

Take a dynamic trip into a living cell to discover how the biological machinery required for life is engineered and constructed. The DVD is available for purchase now - visit for more information.

Living Waters Trailer

LIVING WATERS an an unforgettable exploration for evidence of intelligent design and purpose in the rivers and oceans of the Earth. The documentary is now available on DVD, Blu-ray and VOD. Visit

LIVING WATERS—Sea Turtle Magnetic Navigation

Sea turtles use magnetic compasses embedded in their heads to navigate between their feeding grounds and nesting beaches, over distances that can span thousands of miles through the open sea. To purchase both DVD and Blu-ray, or for information about digital streaming visit:

LIVING WATERS—Pacific Salmon’s sense of smell

The design and engineering of a Pacific Salmon’s olfactory system is revealed through incredible state–of-the-art computer animation. The fish uses an array of intricate biological mechanisms to find its way back from the Pacific Ocean to the exact streambed where it was born. To purchase both DVD and Blu-ray, or for information about digital streaming visit:

Flight The Genius of Birds Trailer Guideposts

Intelligent Design Collection Trailer

This documentary trilogy presents the scientific case for intelligent design. UNLOCKING THE MYSTERY OF LIFE reveals compelling evidence for design at the ...

Communion on the Moon

On July 20, 1969 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon. Prior to taking their first steps on the lunar surface, Aldrin celebrated communion to honor the God who had made their journey possible. After returning to Earth he noted that the first liquid poured on the moon, and the first food ever eaten there, were the bread and wine of communion. For more information visit:

2-Minute Wonders: A Monarch’s Journey

How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all. ~ Psalm 104: 24 Every year hundreds of millions of Monarch butterflies migrate thousands of miles to a secluded patch of forest in central Mexico. There, they spend the winter to ensure the survival of their species. This perilous journey—made by insects weighing less than an ounce—is one of the great wonders of nature and compelling evidence for design and purpose in the living world.

ORIGIN - Trailer 1

This long awaited sequel to UNLOCKING THE MYSTERY OF LIFE explores one of the most important and challenging questions faced by science: How did life on Earth begin? ORIGIN effectively confronts scientific materialism and the belief that life is the product of undirected processes, matter and energy. Instead, the origin of the first life is best explained by intelligent design and purpose. New from the producers of The Privileged Planet, Darwin’s Dilemma, Unlocking the Mystery of Life and Metamorphosis. The DVD is available for purchase now - visit for more information.

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