The Beauty of Holiness
Everything that any man could ever want is found in the presence of our holy God. Every longing is met, every aspiration fulfilled, every thirst quenched, and every hunger satisfied.
What We Do to Become Holy
Sin knocks on the door of our hearts and wants to come in masquerading as our friend and servant, but once we let it in, it becomes our master and never wants to leave.
What God Did to Make Us Holy
I have some good news for you today. Even though we all have times where we stumble. These are the times to remember that our relationship with God is based upon him and his perfect record, not us and our imperfect record. Let’s learn how this can set us free.
Conviction, Not Condemnation
One of the most important lessons to make progress in a holy life is the difference between condemnation for sin and conviction of sin. One is from the devil. The other is from God. Have you learned the difference?