Understanding God

Have you ever wondered why God seems (at times) to take so long to answer prayer? Have you ever wondered why Saved Christians sometimes have to go through the same difficult situations that unSaved people go through? Have you ever given up on God? "Understanding God" will shed light on some possible reasons for the above situations.

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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

Neither Is There Salvation In Any Other

The Holy Bible is the Word of Almighty God.
No other writings are as important as the Holy Bible.
No other books are worthy of being compared with the Holy Bible.
The Holy Bible is the ONLY roadmap that fully, clearly and specifically shows the way to Eternal Life.
The Holy Bible explicitly declares in Whom Salvation exists.

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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

Saving Souls and Hiding Sins

On Planet Earth we encounter the evil and the good.
We cannot "make" ourselves truly good.
Almighty God can "make" us truly good.
Almighty God makes us truly good through our faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.
Once made truly good by faith in Jesus Christ, we become great assets in the hands of Almighty God.

* * * * *
You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

The Purposes of God

Almighty God is Sovereign.
We exist for God's purposes.
It is not wise to blame God.
God knows what He wants.
God knows how He wants His world to operate.
God knows what He wants for each person's life.
God's ways are higher than our ways.
The Christian believer should seek to understand the purposes of God.

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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

Do Not Err, My Beloved Brethren

The Lord wants the Christian believer to grow Spiritually.
The Lord has provided the information, instruction and resources for us to grow Spiritually.
The Lord wants us to become mature Christian believers.
Have you grown Spiritually?
Are you a Spiritually mature Christian believer?

* * * * *
You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

The Vision of God

The Vision of Almighty God is perfect.
Almighty God sees EVERYTHING.
The Lord sees you.
When God looks at you, who does He really see?
When God looks at you, what does He really see?

* * * * *
You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

Wise Up - - - A Message to Men

God seeks men that will obey Him.
God seeks men who will walk in the paths of righteousness for His Name's sake.
God seeks men who will raise families that will obey Him.
God seeks men that will manage His Planet the way He wants it managed.

* * * * *
You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

The Testimony of the Samaritans

An unexpected encounter yields unexpected results.
What a difference ONE day can make!!!
What a difference ONE encounter can make!!!
The world needs more encounters like THAT encounter!!!
The world needs more days like THAT day!!!

* * * * *
You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

Behold Thy God!

Have you ever REALLY thought about Almighty God?
What do you know about Almighty God?
When you make decisions, do you have Almighty God in mind?
When you make plans, do you have Almighty God in mind?
Have you PREPARED a place in your life for Almighty God?
What is your view of Almighty God?

* * * * *
You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

It is Time to Repent

In order to obtain the Eternal favor of Almighty God, a person must repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Repentance and faith bring Salvation.
Salvation is FREE!!!

* * * * *
You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

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