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The Fountain of Living Waters

Sinful human beings!!! From Genesis to Revelation, we see evidence of the sinfulness of human beings!!! Are you one of them?
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

Acts is a Book of Action

The Holy Bible is the greatest book that some people have NEVER READ!!! The Book of Acts provides a great example of the Bible's greatness.

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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

All Men Every Where

The Apostle Paul addresses an audience of intellectuals and explains the purpose of repentance.
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

Five or Six Dreams

Dreams. What of dreams? Do dreams have value? Does God use dreams?
Let's discuss five or six dreams.
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

Snow Water

Snow Water. A situational analysis of unexpected encounters.

* * * * *You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

Making The Difference

If a person is truly Saved, that person will have compassion on other people. If a person is truly Saved, that person will show mercy to other people. Are you a truly Saved person?
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

Praying the Will of God

What is more important, your will or God's Will? Do you have enough faith to pray that God's Will be done? Is there any RISK associated with praying that God's Will be done?

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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *


God's people are commanded to worship God in the beauty of holiness. Are Christian churches living up to that mandate?
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

The Heavens Do Rule

Almighty God is merciful! He gives human beings many chances to repent and make their lives better. Some quickly get the message. Others walk in pride and make it necessary for God to find ways to humble them. Which type are you?

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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

The Wrath of God

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

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