The Joy of Contentment in God’s Provision
Knowing that God is our provider, believers are to rejoice and be content in all circumstances. Pastor Daryl will explain how believers are to have joy and contentment in God’s provision, as well as to participate and partner in God’s provision for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
The Joy of God’s Peace
The Bible gives the church ethical commands that reinforce unity and our experience of God’s peace. Pastor Daryl will explain how believers can experience God’s peace and unity in the church as we stand firm in the Lord.
A Tale of Two Paths
The Bible teaches that it is important for the spiritually mature to set a good example to follow. It is important for Christians to follow the example of those spiritually mature. Pastor Daryl will explain how believers are to trust God’s promise of eternal glory as they imitate spiritually mature examples and model the same behavior for others.
The Chase
Spiritual maturity for the Christian is living in the pursuit to know Christ fully in resurrection life. Pastor Daryl will explain how believers are to make knowing Jesus Christ fully in resurrection life their highest priority.
The Proper Confidence
The Christian’s confidence before God is found in Jesus alone, and in nothing we offer. Pastor Daryl will explain how the believer’s confidence in his or her right standing before God is grounded in the work of Jesus Christ and nothing else.
The Joy of Faithful Servant Relationships
Believers should joyfully value those that faithfully give of themselves for the Gospel. Pastor Daryl will explain how faithful servants of the Gospel are to be valued and honored by the church.
Work It Out Now
Believers are to stand out in the culture as demonstrating the truth of our salvation experience. Pastor Daryl discusses how by being empowered by the Holy Spirit, Believers are to collectively demonstrate the truth of our salvation as children of God in the midst of a dark world.
The Ultimate Act to Follow
Believers are to imitate Christ’s example of ultimate humility and servanthood. Pastor Daryl explains how the church of Jesus Christ’s unified and selfless attitude follows directly from imitating the example of the Lord Jesus Christ in His Incarnation and Work.
The Joy of Unity Displayed
Based on God’s work in the person of Jesus Christ, believers are to be unified of mind, harmonious and selfless. Pastor Daryl speaks about how we as believers are to be unified in our thinking as we seek the interests of others above our own interests.
Worthy Living #StandFirm
Living worthy of the Gospel is to stand firm in unity against opposition, prepared for Christ-like suffering. Pastor Daryl will explain that as believers, we are to focus on living out the Gospel in unity, knowing we will have opposition and may suffer for our testimony of Christ Jesus.