My360 Helper

Honor Your Wife

How does your wife long to be treated and valued by you? How are you to treat her?

The Light of Relationships

How you treat people - like your wife - can show the light of Christ.

More Than a Happy Meal

A believer's prayer life should change with spiritual maturity.

God's Not Santa Claus

Prayer isn't just about getting things from God. It's more than that.

Just Ask

The example of Scott and Joyce shows the importance of going to God with the things we desire.

Time in the Word

Do you have the instruction manual on how to handle life? Do you know how to use it? Do you use it? In today's edition of "Every Man a Warrior Minute", Lonnie Berger shares help for you.

Men are Selfish

Have you noticed how selfish you can be? What can you do about it? God tells us . . .

Lifelong Skill

What skills are needed to walk with God?

Worshipping Prayer

Lonnie Berger points out that prayer is not just about us.

Change Begins With You

What's the best way to make financial adjustments? Where do you begin? Lonnie Berger shares a good place to start in today's Every Man a Warrior Minute.

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