
The concept of trust is a hard one and rarely celebrated in today’s society. We all hear countless stories of crooked politicians, cheating businesses and CEOs, dishonest spouses, and two-faced friends. It may feel like it’s increasingly harder to place our trust in other people, let alone God. But if we did decide to take a step of faith and place our trust in Him who is able to do “immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine,” our outlook might change a bit. Loving God and being obedient to Him means placing our faith in Him and trusting Him with the consequences. Because with God even if we lose, we win.


One of the miracles Jesus performed while walking on the earth was healing a man who had been paralyzed for thirty-eight years. Jesus arrived at a pool that was known for its “healing waters” and saw this man. He asked him one question, “Do you want to be made well?” Then, Jesus simply spoke the words, “Take up your mat and walk.” This man had to, literally, step out in faith and try to stand up. He did and realized that he had been healed. Is there somewhere in life that God is asking you to trust Him and step out in faith? Trust that He won’t let you down and take that first step.


Long before the movie, The Matrix, came out 20 years ago- people have hypothesized that we are actually living in a simulation. There have been countless articles and posts arguing this strange theory. Philosophers, astronomers, and nuclear physicists have all chimed in. There are even articles titled, “Confirmed- we live in a simulation”. The interesting thing to me, as a Christian, is it seems like they aren’t far off. If they continue down this rabbit hole, I feel like they will eventually prove to themselves the existence of God. Simulation? No. But we are His creation. We’ve all been put here for a purpose. And this existence is just part one.


Think of the last time- while you were driving- that someone cut you off. If you live in any big city, I’m sure this is an easy ask. You’re driving in your lane, minding your own business when someone comes inches from your car as if you didn’t exist or matter! But guess what- I’m sure we’ve all done this to someone else because every car has blindspots. This is true in life too. We have blindspots. Places in our life where we still need to grow, understand, and show empathy. Surround yourself with friends that hold different perspectives on life, who love you enough to point out your blindspots.

Eternal Life

The fear of death and the desire for immortality is very real. Alcor is a company that basically markets resurrection. For over $200,000, you can pay to have your body frozen, with the hope that in the future, the technology will exist to bring you back to life. Look, even Christians have every right to be at least a little afraid of dying. It’s why we make healthy decisions to live as long and healthy of a life in this body as possible. But if you’ve accepted Christ, know that He defeated death and unlocked the door to our eternity. If you’re feeling anxious about what’s on the other side of this- reach out to God and ask for His peace. He left Heaven to come get us. So when we take our last breaths on this earth- He promises we’ll take our first in His presence.

Inner Voice

Each one of us has an inner voice that calls for attention, affirmation, and praise. We like to be recognized. Sometimes that voice screams to be heard when we feel we’ve been wronged. We want to speak out and explain ourselves in an effort to justify our actions- often only to find that we’re trying to be heard over everyone else’s inner voice. But seeking peace in Jesus Christ relieves you from the need to always be justifying yourself. It releases the burden of needing to be seen and being the center of attention. Through this peace that surpasses all understanding, we are freed up to accept life and all its challenges.

A Healthy Garden

This past spring, I planted a new vegetable garden. I’ve never really known what I’m doing but I just enjoy the process- and the fresh veggies. I planted kale, peppers, and some herbs- and they started out looking great. Until the kale sprouted and everything else shriveled up. It turns out there’s a science behind what veggies go well together. The kale was sucking up specific nutrients that the other plants needed to thrive. This is similar to the kinds of people we surround ourselves with. Do we have a circle of friends who build each other up? Or are we all competitive, always sucking the energy out of others? Surround yourself with generous, loving people. Encourage each other and carry each other’s burdens. Don’t be like my garden. It was a lonely place for the kale.

Going the Distance

If you’ve ever attempted to run a distance of over 26 miles, you’re aware of a phenomenon called “the wall.” Runners will tell you that once your body has depleted its total store of energy, it simply shuts down and the only way to keep going is to “will” your every step. Depending on your conditioning and skill level, you could hit the wall at mile 10 or 20. Or maybe not at all! Runners who have trained intensively may never even hit the wall. The Bible tells us that we should condition ourselves for the tough times. It says that if we’ve trained ourselves for the fight, the difficult times won’t defeat us. The next time you’re going through a tough time, picture God Himself as your running partner and together, you will get through this.

Strangers Next Door

A recent survey by Pew Research reported that a majority of Americans, about 57%, say they only know a few of their neighbors. Even fewer, 26%- say they know most of them. Look, viewing your home as a sanctuary is a beautiful thing. But it doesn’t mean you need to shut yourself out from those around you. God has called us to make an impact for His Kingdom. This doesn’t always mean traveling overseas to do missionary work. The mission field is in our backyard! Showing the love of God to the people right next door to us is an incredible start. So, if you’re still trying to build up the confidence to introduce yourself to your neighbors, you’re not alone- but ask God for the strength you need and make an impact in the world right around you.


Hurricanes are dangerous and destructive. We’ve all witnessed the devastation they can cause. Yet, scientists tell us that hurricanes are tremendously valuable and that they’re necessary to maintain a balance in nature. They dissipate a large percentage of the oppressive heat that builds up at the equator and are indirectly responsible for much of the rainfall in North and South America. Meteorologists no longer use cloud-seeding techniques to prevent them. They are convinced that hurricanes actually do more good than harm. Could it be that the same is true with the storms of life? Ask God for the confidence in knowing He can use this difficult time for your benefit.

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