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Christ, Church, and Religion: Local Heroes, Part 2

Small things matter, sometimes in big ways. Paul has pointed out two ordinary folks who made a difference in his ministry, and are now part of Scripture. Our study today continues to celebrate the potential for everyone to make a difference for the kingdom.

Christ, Church, and Religion: Local Heroes, Part 1

The news headlines are about “the big people.” It’s those folks that are getting things done. Is the same true for kingdom work? Or is there room in Gods’ order for common folk to make a difference for eternity? We’ll look at this question in our study.

Christ, Church, and Religion: Talking to God, Talking to People, Part 2

Your car is not going anywhere if there’s no fuel, or your battery is dead. The same can be said about prayer as the fuel for outreach. Without it, can you really expect results? And what does that outreach look like? Josh Moody pulls answers from our passage in Colossians.

Christ, Church, and Religion: Talking to God, Talking to People, Part 1

What comes to mind when you hear the word “evangelism?” Is it organized rallies with popular musicians? Is it the exclusive realm of pastors? Or is it something that can and should be woven into our everyday lives? While the answer may seem obvious, the ease with which we can arrive there may be surprising.

Christ, Church, and Religion: The Power of Spiritual Work, Part 2

There are two kinds of work, that which is spiritual, being a pastor or a missionary, and that which is secular, a real estate agent, delivery driver, or waiter. Is this true? Not according to Scripture. We’ll continue our exploration of a Biblical view of work in this study.

Christ, Church, and Religion: The Power of Spiritual Work, Part 1

Are you a slave? No? Okay, but before you dismiss this passage, let’s take a few minutes to flush out some rich parallels between the attitude Paul was encouraging his letter-readers to adopt, and ways we can elevate our thinking about our work today.

Christ, Church, and Religion: The Definition of Family, Part 2

Who’s in charge? This question is asked during frantic times of crisis, but according to the Bible, it needs to be asked in the context of family. The topic of discipline has become a flashpoint in society, which is why it’s important to see what Scripture has to say. We’ll do just that in this study.

Christ, Church, and Religion: The Definition of Family, Part 1

What emotion does the word “family” bring to mind? Peace? Conflict? Harmony? Disfunction? As Josh dives into our Colossians passage, we’ll also look at a parallel passage in Ephesians to gain further clarity on Paul offering a focal point for any family that is looking to thrive.

Christ, Church, and Religion: Magnified Thankfulness, Part 2

When was the last time you thought about the connection between your local church and gratitude? In today’s look at the book of Colossians, Paul invites us to find connection with the church, and our service within the church, as a fuel for thankfulness.

Christ, Church, and Religion: Magnified Thankfulness, Part 1

It’s not hard to find folks talking about how powerful thankfulness can be. But what about the notion of being amazingly and consistently thankful? Seem a bit over the top? It’s what Paul is inviting us to as we continue our study in Colossians.

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